Alexis Orozco Advanced Biology P4
The Central Nervous System is composed of your brain and spinal cord which work together to send and receive messages to the body and helps to function your body. The brain has 3 important parts: 1. Cerebrum: Controls thought and reasoning 2. Cerebellum: Controls coordination 3. Brain Stem: Controls involuntary movements in the body The neuron is a brain cell that makes sending messages to the body and brain possible. The Neuron has 6 parts: Dendrite – Attaches to the axon terminal of another neuron to send messages. Nucleus – Brain of cell Soma – The body of the cell Axon – The tail of the neuron. Myelin Sheath – Schwann cells that allows messages to move through the axon faster. Axon Terminal – Attaches to the dendrites of other neurons to receive messages.
MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The objective of this system is to make sperm. The parts of this system are: 1. Sperm: The male reproductive cell. 2. Penis: Organ that houses semen, and releases semen and urine. 3. Scrotum: Sac of skin that holds the testis 4. Testes: Creates testosterone and sperm. 5. Vas Deferens: Tube that gives liquid to sperm, so it become semen 6. Epdidymus 7. Bladder 8. Ejaculatory Duct FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The objective of this system is to make eggs and prepare for fertilization if it occurs.
Male ReproductiveFemale Reproductive