Angiosperm and Gymnosperm
Structure of an Angiosperm (Flowering Plant) List male reproductive parts List female reproductive parts What is the female sex cell? What is the male sex cell?
Reproductive Organ of Angiosperm Flower 6 Brown Anthers (male organs) Do you see the sticky stigma, where pollen will stick to so fertilization can happen?
Sticky Stigma (female organ) Pollen grains(male sex cell) stuck to stigma.
Ovary of Lilly What sex cell is inside?
Angiosperms have Fleshy Seeds
Reproductive Cycle of an Angiosperm
Monocots and Dicots 1.Describe the leaves of each. 2.Describe the flower of each. 3.Describe the seed of each. 4.Describe the vascular bundles of each. Make a Chart to Record Information
Leaf (showing Stoma)
Stoma (underside of leaves) Purpose of Stoma 1.Gas exchange 2.Regulates transpiration
Summary Characteristics
Gymnosperms (Naked seed, no fleshy covering) Female Cone Male cones Vascular or Non-vascular ?
Characteristics of Gymnosperms Gymnosperms do not have and outer-covering or shell around their seeds. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers barring a few exceptions. Gymnosperms are heterosporous which means that they produce different male and female spores. The microspores develop into pollen grains and the megaspores are in an ovule. Gymnosperms produce cones. Gymnosperms do not bear fruits. Gymnosperms propagate via wind pollination
Summary Characteristics
Cladogram of Plants