Great Lakes Tributary Modeling Workshop The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPPP) [1] National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Department of Geography, 116 Wilkeson Quad, University at Buffalo – The State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo NY 14261, United States of America. Voice ; Fax: ; by Martin Minkowski 1 September 29, 2011
Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Dynamic processed-based erosion model that accounts for plant growth and seasonal change in a temporal format Developed by the US Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service Based on fundamentals of –Soil physics –Erosion mechanics –Hydraulics –Infiltration theory –Hydrology –Plant science –Stochastic weather generation
Great Lakes Tributary Modeling Workshop The Geo-spatial Interface for WEPP (GeoWEPP) [1] National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Department of Geography, 116 Wilkeson Quad, University at Buffalo – The State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo NY 14261, United States of America. Voice ; Fax: ; by Martin Minkowski 1 September 29, 2011
GeoWEPP Geo-Spatial Interface for the Water Erosion Prediction Project Uses commonly available GIS data as spatial distributed input layers for the topography, land management (vegetation, landuse), and soil WEPP parameters Display Onsite (local) and Offsite (Outlet) Results Uses are able to create “What if” scenarios as well as testing various Best Management Practices.
GeoWEPP User Interface