Getting Started 1 Lesson 1 Introduction: Finding a job is like planning a trip Lesson 2 Questions and Answers Lesson 3 Getting Started This Module is divided into three individual lessons
Getting Started2 Learning Objectives Define the type of information that you will need for preparing your job application Identify and collect all basic information required to complete employment applications Articulate the importance of collecting the basic information you need Prepare a “Master Application” packet you can use when you look for employment
Getting Started3 Lesson 1: Planning for a Trip Finding a job is like planning a trip
Getting Started4 Lesson 2: Questions and Answers Why do you need this information? Will you use all of the information that is collected? What if you don’t have all of this information?
Getting Started5 Lesson 3: Getting Started The Master Application It allows you to collect the information you need It helps you plan for how you fill out a job application It helps you identify your own strengths It helps target job opportunities
Getting Started6 The Master Application
Getting Started7 The Master Application Section 1: Personal Information Section 2: Previous Addresses Section 3: Identification Section 4: Languages Section 5: Skills
Getting Started8 The Master Application (Cont.) Section 6: Personal Qualities Section 7: Areas of Interest Section 8: Education Section 9: Employment Section 10: Job Description
Getting Started9 1. Personal Information Full Name _________________________________________________________ (As it appears on your Birth Certificate, Work Authorization documents or Social Security Card) Address ___________________________________________________ Dates of Residency ___/___ to___/___ City, State, Zip Code ____________________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________ Cell phone number ____________________________ (Update outgoing message, let your family know you’re expecting employer calls, and always answer politely!) address _________________________________________________________ (A simple, straight-forward address, nothing too crazy!)
Getting Started10 2. Previous Address Address ______________________________ Dates of Residency (mo/yr) ___/___ to __/___(mo/yr) City, State, Zip Code ____________________
Getting Started11 3. Identification Social Security Number _________________ Driver’s License # ______________________ Expiration Date ___/___ Authorization to Work Document #__________ Expiration Date ___/___
Getting Started12 4. Languages (List ALL languages other than English ) _______ ( ) Read, ( ) Write, ( ) Speak LEVEL ( ) Beginner ( ) Intermediate ( ) Advanced
Getting Started13 5. Skills (Check all that apply) Computer SkillsOffice SkillsRetail SkillsOther Skills ( ) Microsoft Word( ) Fax( ) Cash handling/Register( ) ( ) Microsoft Access ( ) Multi-line telephone ( ) Balancing Cash Drawer( ) ( ) Microsoft Excel( ) Filing( ) Customer Service( ) ( ) Microsoft PowerPoint ( ) 10-key Calculator ( ) Inventory( ) ( ) Microsoft Outlook ( ) Accounting( ) Management( ) ( ) QuickBooks( ) Typing( ) Training( ) ( ) PeachTree( ) Data Entry( ) ( ) Internet( )
Getting Started14 6. Personal Qualities - (What would an employer who knows you well say are your STRENGTHS?) ( ) Punctual( ) Reliable( ) Assertive( ) Friendly ( ) Service-oriented( ) Detail-oriented( ) Good Listener( ) Fast Learner ( ) Accurate( ) Takes Initiative( ) Follows Directions( ) Persistent ( ) Responsible( ) Outgoing( ) Attentive( ) Creative ( ) Motivated( ) Productive( ) Solutions-oriented( ) Optimistic ( ) _________________( ) ___________________ ( ) _______________ ( ) _________________( ) ___________________ ( ) _______________
Getting Started15 7. Education High School Full Name ___________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ___________________________________________ Telephone Number ____________________________________________ Dates of Participation___________________________________________ Area of Study _________________________________________________ High School Diploma ( ) YES ( ) NO Date / (List most recent first!) College/Vocational/Trade School/Other Education or Training Full Name ___________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code____________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________________________ Dates of Participation ___________________________________________ Area of Study _________________________________________________ Certificate or Diploma Earned _____ Date / ________________________________
Getting Started16 8. Employment Employer: _______________________________________________________ Job # ___________________________________________________________ Start Date: _______________________________________________________ End Date: _______________________________________________________ Job Title: ________________________________________________________ Employer’s Address: _______________________________________________ Supervisor’s Name and Job Title: _____________________________________ Supervisor’s Telephone Number: ____________________________________ Can you list this person as a reference? _______ If “no,” why not?: _________ Reason for Leaving: ( ) Better Opportunity, ( ) Relocated, ( ) To Pursue Education, ( ) Assignment Ended, ( ) Business Closed, ( ) Seasonal Position, ( ) Will Discuss (What will you say?) _________________________________________________________
Getting Started17 9. Job Description Duties (What did you do each day? Are there any tasks that you did infrequently or on a monthly basis? Use action verbs to start each phrase. Avoid words or phrases like “handled” and “responsible for.” For example, if you counted your cash drawer at the beginning of each shift, you could write: Counted and confirmed starting balance at beginning of shift.) Value/Importance/Success/Achievements (What is/was the value of doing this duty? How did it contribute to the employer or you as you build/built your skills in this position? Provide a concrete example of a specific skill elated to achievement, e.g. employer of the month award for customer services)
Getting Started Areas of Interest (Industry) ( ) Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources ( ) Architecture and Construction ( ) Arts, A/V Technology & Communications ( ) Business, Management, and Administration ( ) Education & Training ( ) Finance ( ) Government & Public Administration ( ) Health Science ( ) Hospitality & Tourism ( ) Human Services ( ) Information Technology ( ) Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security ( ) Manufacturing ( ) Marketing, Sales, & Service ( ) Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics ( ) Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Next Step Job Goal? Job title _________________________________________________ Industry (Area) ____________________________________________ Long-term Career Goal? Job title __________________________________________________ Industry (Area) ____________________________________________
Getting Started19 Closing Remarks With a completed “Master Application,” you will be able to confidently fill out any job application