Grow Through Prayer Brown
Growing Through Prayer Theme: Growing Spiritually Central truth: Prayer is a direct connection between the Christian and God Focus: Explore how prayer is essential to spiritual growth and pray consistently Golden Text: Men ought to pray and not faint (Luke 8:1)
Introduction We must think about prayer from a biblical perspective. We also must pray biblically. Without this grounding in the Bible our prayers will be ineffective and self-centered. Prayer is both relationship and education. It is relational in the way we speak to God. We are invited to speak to intimately with God as with a friend or confidant. It is educational in that it is a way that God reveals himself to us. It is during times of prayer that the Holy Spirit reminds us of biblical passages that strengthen us. When we respond to God’s invitation to commune with Him in prayer, we reap the benefit of spiritual growth.
Outline The Necessity of Prayer Luke 5: , Matt 6:6; Col. 4:2) Praying For Spiritual Growth Phil 1:9-11;Col 1: 9-12, John 15: 5 -8 You Never Pray Alone Hebrew 7: 23-25, Romans 8: , John 17: 20-26
The Necessity of Prayer Matt 6:6. Col 4:2 Why is prayer necessary? Prayer is the foundation through which humanity communes with God and so understands and receives His commands. Without prayer God’s Word could not have been revealed to humanity.
Jesus Prayed The declaration of the message of Christendom is that Jesus was “fully God and fully man”. As fully man Jesus experienced the need to commune with the father as we do. Luke 5: Why did the multitudes gather around Jesus? V. 15 To hear Him and be healed of their infirmities. 2.What example did Jesus give us in how He prayed(v.16) He withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed Jesus’ tendencies to walk away from the crowd for long periods of prayer shows us the necessity of prayer in the lives of His followers. It is non negotiable (passable)
Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer Matthew 6:6 1. What were Jesus instructions on prayer? When you pray (what/how) enter into thy closet and (when) you shut the door pray to (who) thy Father (which) is in secret; and (what happen) thy Father which seeth in secret (what will He do) shall reward you openly. 2. Where is your special place for prayer? 3. What is the meaning of the word “closet”? Closet is a secret place, a private place 4. What is the significance of “a shut door” Withdrawal from noise, distractions, interferences, interruptions – the ability to focus.
Paul’s Advice on Prayer Col 4: 2 How are we to pray? Continue (remain, carry on) in prayer and watch (keep guard) in the same with thanksgiving In Colossians 4: 2-4, Paul requests that the Colossians’ devote (dedicate) themselves to prayer for their own spiritual growth, for his mission and for his ability to clearly communicate the gospel. “Never forget the three powerful sources you always have available to you: love, prayer and forgiveness.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Praying for Spiritual Growth Phi ; Col 1: 9-12; John 15: 5-8 We have heard the saying, “To pray is to change” This equates to, “Prayer is vital (vibrant, dynamic, energetic) to spiritual growth” At times prayer changes our circumstances, but more importantly prayer changes us!
Paul’s Prayer for His Churches 1.What should “abound” in believers”? Phil 1:9 Love in knowledge and in all judgement 2. What brings “glory and praise” to God (v 10-11) Approval of things that are excellent, consumed with the fruits of righteousness. 3. What did Paul desire for the Colossians? (Col. 1: 9-10) That they might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. That they might walk worthy of the Lord, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God
Jesus’ Prayer For His Followers 1.According to V.5, What is Jesus and what are we? Jesus is the vine and we are the branches 2.What will we do if we abide in Him? V. 5 We will bring forth fruit 3.What happens when a person does not abide in Christ? V. 6 He is cast forth as a branch and is withered 4.What blessing is available if we abide in Jesus? V.7 We can ask what we will and it will be done unto us. 5.How is the Father glorified? V.8
You Never Pray Alone Prayer is sometimes rigorous. Although it brings rest to the spirit, nowhere in the Bible is it guaranteed that prayer will be easy. It is a cultivated discipline, something that goes beyond momentary emotions. Prayer never happens in isolation. It is not just the work of the individual Christian, but the work of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the whole body of Christ alongside the individual.
Jesus Prays With Us Heb 7: 23 – 25 1.Why does Jesus have an unchangeable priesthood? V. 24 Because he continueth ever 2.Whom can Jesus save? V.25 Those that come to God by Him 3.What does Jesus always do? He makes intercession
The Holy Spirit Prays With Us Romans 8: How does the Spirit responds to our “weakness”? V. 26 He helps us (He helpeth our infirmities) Why does the Spirit pray for us? V.26 We know not what we should pray for as we ought How does the Spirit pray for us? V.27 But the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Other Believers Pray With Us John 17: 20 – 26 1.For whom does Jesus pray? V.20 Believers 2.What did Jesus pray and why? V That the believers may be one, as the Father is in Him and He in the Father, and that we should be one in Him: that the world will believe that the Father sent Him 3.Why should verse 24 encourage believers? John prayed for us 4.What two holy realities should indwell Christians? V. 26 The Spirit will teach us what we need to learn. Love is the foundation of all which Christ speaks
Conclusion Jesus’ heart is that the Christian community be unified community, as close as the Son is to the Father. We are never alone because at any given time other believers are praying for alongside us. Ongoing conversation with God is critical to a personal relationship with Him. Through understanding the Biblical teachings on prayer, we unleash this wellspring of spiritual growth potential. Through putting these teachings into practice, we experience the benefits of such growth.