Human Body Systems Bones/Joints Skeletal System Bones & Chickens Final Jeopardy
100 The human body system that receives, transports, breaks down, and absorbs food throughout the body. What is the Digestive System?
200 The human body system that transports materials like oxygen, carbon dioxide, food, wastes, and disease-fighting cells throughout the body What is the circulatory system?
300 The body system that gets oxygen into the body and kicks out carbon dioxide. What is the respiratory system?
400 The human body systems that works together with the skeletal system to allow movement. What is the muscular system and the nervous system?
500 The human body systems that are involved when a bone is broken. NervousDigestive EndocrineRespiratory SkeletalMuscular CirculatoryIntegumentary
100 The type of joint that we would call the knee. What is a hinge joint? Can you name the other joints and where they are in the body?
200 The scientific name for the bone that protects the brain. What is the cranium?
300 The main mineral that is responsible for the health and strength of our bones. What is calcium?
400 The functions of the skeletal system. What are movement, shape/support, storage of minerals like calcium and phosphorus, protection of organs and production of blood cells?
500 The tough membrane that surrounds and nourishes our bones. What is the periosteum?
100 This cartilage and where you would find it in the body. What is the flexible connective tissue that covers the ends of bones to keep them from rubbing and is found in the ears and nose?
200 The general location of the smallest bones in our body. What is the inner ear? The bones are the hammer, anvil and stirrup.
300 Calcium What is the mineral stored in the bones to give them strength and is usually gathered from dairy products?
400 You have immoveable joints here. What is the cranium and the ribs?
500 You need these in order to shoot a basketball, kick a soccer ball or play the violin. What are the hinge, pivot, ball and socket, plane or gliding joints?
100 The part of a bone that is responsible for producing red blood cells. What is bone marrow?
200 The smooth layer found at the end of bones that allows joints to move smoothly. What is cartilage?
300 The name of the bone that is the longest and strongest in the human body. What is the femur?
400 The scientific name for the bone that is commonly known as the knee cap. What is the patella?
500 The name of the connective tissue that connects bone to muscle and the name of the connective tissue that connects bone to bone. What is a tendon? What is a ligament?
Final Jeopardy Question Connections Write / Draw / List the connections between as many of the human body systems as you can, supporting your statements with examples that you have explored in either assigned readings, lab experiments or videos.