LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND COMPLETE THE WORDS GIVEN To_ g _ e A _ k _ e Fe_ _ S t o _ _ c h E _ b o _ K n _ e
LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND COMPLETE THE WORDS GIVEN W r i _ t L _ g H _ a _ N e _ k H a _ d E _ _ s
Things done with the help of hands Eat Hold Pick Write
Things done with the help of both hands and legs Crawl March Exercise Skip Swim
Our Sense Organs We see with our eyes We smell with our nose We taste with our tongue We feel things with our skin We hear with our ears
Clothes that protect us in Summer Season Cotton T-shirt Cotton Frock Cotton Skirt Shorts
Clothes that protect us in Winter Season Sweater Muffler Woollen Socks Woollen Cap
Things that protect us in Rainy Season Raincoat Gumboots
Source of Cotton Cotton plant
Things made from cotton Frock Pants T-shirt Skirt
Sources of Wool Sheep Rabbit Yak
Things made from wool Sweater Woollen Jackets Mufflers Gloves
Q. Why do we need food? grow sleep Ans : to grow Q. Why is water important? Ans : It helps us to digest the food.
Q. What do we eat in the morning? A. Breakfast Q. What do we eat in the afternoon? A. Lunch Q. What do we eat at night? A. Dinner
Food that we get from plants: fruits cereals vegetables pulses
Food that we get from animals: milk eggs meat
The ‘Missile Man’ of India
Discovered ‘The Law of Gravity’
First Indian Woman Astronaut to travel to Space
First Indian to win the Nobel Prize in science for ‘Raman Effect’
Invented ‘Electric Light Bulb and Phonograph'
Honey Bees collect nectar from the flowers. A human body has 206 bones. Thermometer is used to measure human body temperature. Camel is known as the ‘Ship of the Desert’. Laika, the dog was the first animal to travel to space.
We get silk from the cocoon of the silkworm. Leaves prepare food for the plant. Clean water has no colour, no taste or no smell. Blue whale is the largest animal on earth. People who travel to space are called astronauts.