TIPS & TRICKS Theresa Rago, Manager, Financial Systems Starr Insurance Holdings, Inc. – A Member of Starr Companies New York, NY
GENERAL Improve entry with date tricks Enter month and day Enter day only Use +/- keys User Preferences Required fields and Link Fields Tab to move to the next field Shift tab to move to the previous field F1 – HELP on any screen Macros Alt X to exit Alt F12 Integration Manager
GENERAL (CONT’D) Clean up by closing all windows Checkbox on login screen to ‘remember this company’ Changing companies Print setup before printing any reports (prior to GP 2013) Shortcuts & keyboard shortcuts Use account categories to simplify reporting You don’t need to close Integration Manager when changing companies
GENERAL (CONT’D) Management Reporter – duplicate accounts Reporting Ledgers
GL/AP/AR Negative debits Negative credits Clear amounts in recurring batches (GL only) Resets distribution amounts for all transactions to zero after you post a recurring batch Doc Date Verify (PSTL) A check is performed against the company fiscal period setup to ensure the date is valid. Speed data entry with vendor default accounts Account Rollup – Inquiry/Financial/Account Rollup Checks on the fly vs manual checks
OTHER Insert screenshot into an excel spreadsheet Read the GPUG daily ‘Open Forum’ Get involved… What tips or tricks do you have to share???