Mrs. Hernandez 8 th Grade Science March 25 th -30 th 2013
Monday: Technology Guest Speaker OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Innovation, societal challenges, technology CONTENT: SYSA “I can explain how a technology has changed over time in response to a societal challenge.”
Tuesday: Chemistry HS Registration OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: CONTENT:
Wednesdays: Classifying Matter Guided Notes In Lab Notebook Elements/Compounds/ Mixtures PPT Outbox OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Properties, Compound, Reactant CONTENT: PSE “I know what a mixture is and can separate a mixture using differences in properties of the substances used to make the mixture.” “I can identify unknown substances using intrinsic properties and characteristics such as density, solubility, boiling point, and melting point, all of which are independent of the amount of the sample.”
Thursday: Classifying Matter OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Properties, Compound, Reactant CONTENT: PSE “I can demonstrate that the properties of a compound are different from the properties of the reactants from which it was formed.” CONTENT: PSE “I know what a mixture is and can separate a mixture using differences in properties of the substances used to make the mixture.” Interactive Reading Glencoe Pg Vocab Cut & Paste Foldable
Friday Classifying Matter Brain pop: Physical/Chemical Properties Quiz: Chemistry Foldable OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Properties, Compound, Reactant CONTENT: PSE “I can demonstrate that the properties of a compound are different from the properties of the reactants from which it was formed.”
Next Week: Monday: ~ Homework ~None Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: