Suggest some natural ways or home remedies to cure dehydrationhome remedies to cure dehydration
Dehydration refers to a condition of body when loss of fluids is more as compared to its intake. It is mostly observed that people are not aware of the fact that they are suffering from dehydration. But it is quite important to cure dehydration to avoid certain serious problems related to health of a person. The best way to cure dehydration is to prevent it. It is possible by intake of some liquids or other eatables which supply adequate amount of liquids to the body.
Water and other liquids- You should drink plenty of water regularly to keep your body hydrated. You can also take fruit juices, butter milk, semi- skimmed milk or diluted squashes. You can even try water to which sugar and salt has been added to get instant energy during dehydration. It helps in preservation of salts and electrolytes in the body. Alternatively, you can also take water with electrolytes added to it.
Bananas- Since salts and sugars are also lost along with water from the body due to dehydration, therefore you must eat mashed banana with salt added to it. It will help in restoration of fluids and electrolytes from the body. Bananas are also rich source of potassium and essential minerals and hence provide relief from the pain caused due to cramped muscles due to excessive loss of water from the body.
Chamomile Tea- You can also consume decaffeinated tea beverages such as chamomile tea to cure dehydration by supplying for the lost fluids. Apart from this, it also relieves pain in the stomach which is caused due to stomach cramps as a result of water loss from the body.
Coconut Water- It is a rich source of electrolytes, water, iron, potassium and minerals. All these help on curing dehydration rapidly by compensating for the water lost from body.
Oral Rehydration Solutions or ORS and sports drinks- These are consumed under dehydration condition by mixing them into water. Some sports drinks which are helpful in supplying electrolytes to the body include Kaolectrolyte, Gatorade, Powerade and Pedialyte.
Lemon Juice- Mix lemon juice with water and salt and drink it to get instant relief from dehydration. It is because lemon as well as salt helps in restoration of electrolytes to the body thereby curing dehydration effectively. Sugar added to this solution paces up the rehydration process.
Yogurt- You can take one cup of yogurt with a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds added to it to get your body rehydrated instantaneously. It is due to ability of yogurt to restore sodium and potassium levels in the body.
Mixture of Ginger, Mint and Honey- The electrolyte balance of the body which is lost due to dehydration can be restored by consuming a mixture of honey, ginger and mint in half a glass of water. It is especially useful when the person is suffering from stomach cramps due to dehydration. It is because mint gives a soothing effect to the body, honey restores sugar level in the body while ginger gives relief from stomach pain.