MY EXCHANGE STUDENT ● Carlos Sousa Blanco
MY EXCHANGE STUDENT My exchange student is a boy. His name is Jim López Muñoz. He is 13 years old. He has got a brother. He liveS with HIS PARENTS. She likeS playing footBALLl, doING sports and listening to music.
DAY A DAY ● He always gets up at six o´clock in the morning. He goes to school by bus and train. ● He GOES back home by train and bus. ● He doesn´t have lunch. ● At the afternoon he goes to play football and later he does his homework. ● He HAS dinner at nine o´clock. ● He goes to bed at half past ten.
WEEKEND He always goes to play fooTBALL ON Saturday morning. ON saturday afternoon he chatS with his friends. He always goes to Hannover F.C. Stadium to WATCH the footbaal match on Sunday.
DIFFERENCES We only have two differences : -He doesn´t have a shower every day. -He likes Real Madrid F.C. And I like Barcelona F.C.