Hi! We are the pupils of the tenth form. Our names are Kate and Christina. We would like to tell you something about French cuisine.
A characteristic feature of the national French cuisine is an abundance of vegetables and root crops. Potatoes, green beans, different kinds of onions, spinach, cabbage, different varieties of tomatoes, eggplant, celery, parsley, salad used to prepare appetizers, first and second courses, as well as side dishes.
Compared with other European countries, French cooking uses less dairy products. The exception is cheese, famous throughout the world. Dish with cheese and green salad served before the dessert necessarily. In France, produce at least 500 varieties of cheese. Among them are such well-known as Roquefort, Gruyere, Camembert, etc.
French cuisine is based principally on fresh foods. The quality and the inherent features of each product should be maintained even after heat treatment. Of the first courses are very popular soup of leeks and potatoes and onion soup, seasoned with cheese. Widely known as Provencal fish soup thick-bouillabaisse. France - famous, above all, its great chefs who delight and rejoice their incredible culinary creations absolutely everyone. Great and famous French chefs are Xavier Mathieu, Bernard Loiseau, Pierre Gagnaire, Paul Bocuse, and others. French cuisine is based principally on fresh foods. The quality and the inherent features of each product should be maintained even after heat treatment. Of the first courses are very popular soup of leeks and potatoes and onion soup, seasoned with cheese. Widely known as Provencal fish soup thick-bouillabaisse. France - famous, above all, its great chefs who delight and rejoice their incredible culinary creations absolutely everyone. Great and famous French chefs are Xavier Mathieu, Bernard Loiseau, Pierre Gagnaire, Paul Bocuse, and others.
R ECIPES OF F RENCH CUISINE 1. Julien 2. Chicken in French 3. Potatoes «Lionez» 4. Fish salad «Nicoise» 5. French lemon cake
J ULIEN Ingredients: o g chicken meat o 1 tablespoon of flour o 1 cup of chicken broth or milk o 2 tablespoons of butter o 1 tablespoon of grated cheese, sour cream, and salt
Instructions Julien can be prepared from raw or cooked and pre-fried in butter, chicken meat, cut into thin strips, which is filled sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven. Preparing the sauce: first meal should be dry in the pan, then add the butter and, stirring constantly, fry lightly, then gradually pour the hot chicken broth or hot milk and, stirring frequently to bring to a boil. The resulting white sauce mixed with sour cream in a ratio of 1:1, 1:3 or 3:1, and bring to a boil, pour them sliced chicken and bake in the oven.
C HICKEN IN F RENCH Ingredients: o 4 chickens legs meat o 225 g onions, finely chopped o 1 garlic o 4 stalks celery o 1 slice of bacon g, diced o 1 tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil o 440 g of canned beans in oil o 28 g of dried soup set of French onion o 1 tablespoon tomato molasses o 225 g of smoked peeled sausage o salt and pepper
P OTATOES «L IONEZ » Ingredients: o 1.25 kg (2 lb 12 oz) of potatoes o 4 tablespoon of olive oil o 2 tablespoons of butter o 2 chopped onions o 2-3 cloves of garlic o salt and pepper o chopped parsley for decoration
F ISH SALAD «N ICOISE » Ingredients: o 2 red sweet pepper, cut in half and seeded o 3 tablespoon of olive oil o 2 tablespoon of lemon juice o 4 raw eggs o 2 small cabbage head lettuce o 225g smoked mackerel with pepper, peeled and cut into the skin o 250 g small potatoes, cooked and brushed
F RENCH LEMON CAKE Ingredients: o 100 g of cold butter, diced o 175 g of flour o 2 tablespoon of sugar o 1 / 4 salt o 1 yolk eggs Filling: o 6 eggs o 250 g of sugar o grated zest of 3 lemons and the juice of 5 lemons o 150 ml of double cream o castor sugar