Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Coastal Areas of Pakistan Presented by Fida Karim Project Officer-Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project and Programme Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Focus Humanitarian Assistance, Pakistan Paper presented at the Conference on Climate Change Adaptation in the Coastal Areas of Pakistan Organized by FOCUS Pakistan in support and collaboration of Royal Norwegian Embassy and NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi Pakistan. 22 nd -May-2014
Who We Are… FOCUS is an international emergency response and disaster management agency It has over a decade experience in providing emergency humanitarian relief and helping vulnerable communities prepare for, survive and respond to disasters It was established in 1994 – In Pakistan it started its operation with Afghan refugee programme and in 1998 as DRR lead agency of AKDN It is the humanitarian wing and an affiliate of Aga Khan Development Network
Increasing Vulnerability and Risks Decreasing emphasis on quality of Basic civic infrastructure Least emphasis on DRM/DRR Lack of linkages and Partnership Lesser Government investment Lack of Community Awareness No trained human resources and teams No enforcement of laws related to DRR i.e. building codes Frequency/occurrence of disasters Complex situation / man-made disasters Poverty Increasing Population Urbanization / Unsafe conditions Climate Change / Weather extremes Hazard & risk assessment - Time & Cost
Goals and Objectives of FOCUS Programs Saving lives and properties Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Rink Anticipation and Preparedness 1.Hazard and Risk Maps & Assessment 2.Climate change Adaptation and Community Preparedness 3.School Safety Programme 4.Capacity building of partners and linkages Improved Institutional Capacity for Disaster Assessment and Response 1.Search and Rescue Teams (SART) 2.Disaster Assessment and Response Teams (DART) 3.Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) 4.Emergency Humanitarian Relief Refugee and IDP Assistanc e 1.IDP / Refugee Assistance and Camp Management (as and when required) Institutional Strengthening through Linkages and Partnerships 1.Linkages and Partnerships 2.Research and Knowledge Management 3.MER, Audit and Transparency
Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the coastal areas of Pakistan Prepare Communities for Disaster Risk Reduction Risk Anticipation and Awareness Raising Stockpiling Disaster Resilient and Prepared Communities Early warning and linkage building
1. Risk Anticipation and community preparedness Risk Analysis and Assessment Training on CBDRM Evacuation planning and drills Awareness raising at community and school levels Water Rescue Trainings for CERT & SART
Trained school teachers, students and parents on Coastal Hazards in Coastal Area based Schools in Sindh & Baluchistan
Trained Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Search And Rescue Teams (SART) on Water Search & Rescue
Arranged Awareness Sessions on Coastal Hazards in Coastal Areas of Pakistan
2. Stockpiling of Emergency Items Education Provision of stockpiles Stockpile Management Committees 30 Item stockpile: -Life jackets, -First Aid Kits - Fire extinguishers - Search lights -Buckets -Stretchers -Safety ropes -Mega phones -Stretchers etc.
Established Community Based Emergency Stockpiles and trained volunteers in Stockpile Management.
Trained Coastal Communities on Early warning & Emergency Evacuation
3. Early warning & Linkages EWS Sessions and Emergency Evacuation Drills, DRM Plans Networking with relevant institutions i.e. PMD, DDMA, PDMA, I/NGOs, UN Agencies Information sharing with communities 1. SMS 2.Weather Alerts 3. PMD Advice 4.Sharing whether advisories
Arranged stockholders meeting with government and non-government Organizations
Recommendation 1.Introduce community awareness programs in all coastal areas of Pakistan. –Preparedness enhancing skills and education –Ensure structural and physical interventions.i.e. plantation, protective walls, proper channelization of flood courses, timely repairing and maintenance of canals. 2.Proper research and information sharing on CBDRR. 3. Government should allocate fund at local level for disaster preparedness. 4. Government, CSOs and community work together on DRM.