Commercial farming / intensive agriculture
Definition Commercial farming: farming for profit or meant to be sold for as much money as possible Intensive farming: - practised in the most developed countries (MEDCs) - covers a fairly small area of land but produces very high outputs - requires a lot of work and the use of machines, new technologies and inputs - growing crops: arable ??? and rearing animals = pastoral farming
INPUTS pesticides herbicides fungicides hormones GMOs
OUTPUTS Cereals: rice and corn Animals : mostly cows, pigs and chicken Eggs and dairy products
Positive consequences - securing a high amount of money for the countries which adopt intensive farming due to export and selling - ensuring food security for populations - providing job opportunities; for example in France 600,000 people work thanks to intensive farmng - enabling the poor to have access to cheaper products - covering small areas but using high outputs contrary to subsistence farming that resorts to larger areas and produces lower outputs
Negative consequences - using various kinds of chemical fertilisers, pesticides and insecticides - making soil fertility decrease because of intensive farming techniques - affecting soil quality because of animal waste - provoking health trouble and serious diseases like cancer
A funny little quizz “Several answers are sometimes possible” 1) Intensive agriculture respects: a) animals b) profit c) humans d) the earth state 2) Who or what pollutes the most? a) tractors b) intrans c) you d) cow dung 3) Commercial farming is not present in: a) developing countries b) developed countries c) Groenland d) your plate 4) How can intrans of intensive agriculture have an impact on health? a) it causes cancer b) it cures cancer c) it gives genetically modified babies d) it causes lots of diseases 5) How do farmers protect themselves? a) they wear space boiler suits b) they are naked c) they cover their face with a gas mask
Web-links it/farming-types terra symbiosis Ineedtobemakingcashmon