"Revolutionizing how donors and lenders in the US are connecting with small entrepreneurs in developing countries” - BBC
Kiva’s Mission Mission To connect people through lending for the purpose of alleviating poverty Method An online lending platform that lets the average Internet user finance a specific low income entrepreneur in the developing world
Poverty and Microfinance Two Billion people live on less than $2.00 per day Most of the working poor are self-employed The working poor need affordable access to capital in order to expand their businesses Microfinance loans have a 95%+ repayment rate Pioneered by Muhammad Yunus of the Grameen Foundation, microfinance lending provides this capital and an innovative solution for eradicating poverty -
Lende r Kiva.or g MFI Partner Entrepreneu r Kiva connects lenders to entrepreneurs overseas How Kiva Works
How Kiva Works
Since Oct 2005, Kiva has expanded to MFIs in 31 countries. Strong adoption with MFIs
New Access to Capital and Cost Savings 10 % 18% 10 % 0% 2% 4% 6% 9% 11% 13% 15% 17% Prisma – Honduras WEEC - Kenya CREDIT (World Relief) - Cambodia Industry Average 10 % 8%8% Kiv a Without Kiva.org, MFI partners would have to pay at least 4x more for capital from alternate sources 1- 2% Cost of Capital Comparison (Cost of Capital is one of the largest expenses for an MFI)
Sample Loan Application
Photo by: TKnoxB, Flickr CC