An Introduction to Omega 3 Key Facts and Benefits
Omega 3 Omega 3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids They are ‘essential’ for human health as the body can’t make them. You have to get them in your diet
Omega 3 Fatty Acids There are 2 key omega fatty acids, recognised for their health benefits EPA Eicosapentaenoic Acid EPA plays an important role in controlling inflammaroty and immune system. EPA promotes benefits for heart and joint health. DHADocosahexaenoic Acid DHA is a structural fatty acid known to be an essential lipid component in the eye, brain and nervous tissue. DHA has benefits for eye and cognitive health, especially in infant development.
Where can I get my Omega 3 Oily fish Salmon Tuna Halibut Fish Oil Supplements Flax seed contains a less potent form of omega 3 (ALA), that is not readily utilised by the body Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) can be found in For Vegetarians
Omega 3 Health Benefits General Health and wellbeing Heart Health Joint Health and Arthritis Eye Health Cognitive Health
Some of the first studies demonstrating the benefits of omega 3s were studies observing the Greenland Inuit population Results showed that despite the exceptionally high fat content of the diet, cardiovascular disease was virtually non- existent Heart Health
Since then a number of very large scale randomised clinical trials have substantiated the benefits of omega 3s in heart disease Omega 3s have been shown to reduce risk factors such as blood pressure and triglyceride levels
Omega 3s have been proven to help reduce the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis Studies have shown that patients who take omega 3s have a reduction in symptoms such as tender joints Joint Health and Arthritis
The eye has the highest concentration of omega 3s anywhere in the body Benefits have been seen in infant visual development and in reducing the risk of eye diseases such as Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Eye Health
Omega 3 fatty acids are key building blocks to a healthy brain The omega 3 fat, DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) is proven to influence brain development and performance, especially at either end of life Studies have found benefits in cognitive disorders such as dementia, dyslexia, depression and ADHD Cognitive Health
Omega 3s are an essential fat which must be supplied in the diet The most beneficial effects are seen with the longer chain marine fatty acids- DHA and EPA EPA and DHA can be beneficial in keeping the heart, brain, eyes and joints healthy Omega 3 Summary