Inbound Marketing Campaign Components 1 Produce a Compelling Marketing Offer Place the Offer on Your Website Promote the Offer Nurture the Leads who Convert on That Offer Measure Your Success
Create a Compelling Offer 3 Offers can take any number of formats Ebooks Whitepapers Webinars Demos Tip Sheets Infographics Videos Templates And so on…
Create a Compelling Offer 4 Make sure your offer matches your customer persona What challenges do your customers typically have? What keeps them up at night? What topics have been interesting to past leads? How do their questions/needs change over time?
Create a Compelling Offer 5 Map your content to the stages of the decision process: What questions do new leads have? What questions do people need answered right before they buy? How does a persona’s needs change over time?
Place the Offer on Your Website 6
7 Placing the Offer On Your Website
Nurture Leads Who Convert 8 develop sends that drive to your relevant content. content needs to address persona specific needs. schedule s based on persona sales cycle. start at the top of your persona sales cycle and work DOWN. test, test, test!
9 #1 Day 10 Download Our New Lead Generation eBook #2 Day 20 Watch “How Using Targeting can Increase Leads” #3 Day 40 Receive a Demo of the HubSpot Contacts Tool Nurture Leads Who Convert
10 Nurture Leads Who Convert
Promote the Offer 11 How to properly promote your offer through social media Decide on the timing. Choose what social networks work best for this offer Use a Hashtag Change up your messages Measure your success and replicate what works.
12 Promote the Offer
Measure Your Campaign 13