by Homer
king of Ithaca married to Penelope father of Telemachus
The Voyage: 1. Troy – King Menelaus’s (of Sparta) wife, Helen, left with a Trojan Prince, Paris. his brother, King Agamemnon of Mycenaea, request Odysseus’s help
Odysseus tells Penelope that she must remarry if he does not return by the time Telemachus is a man (grows a beard). Odysseus relies on Athena, goddess of war, to guide and protect him.
The Trojan War Achilles (Greek) defeats Hector (Troy), but is eventually slain, himself. Odysseus devises a plan to enter the walls of Troy via the Trojan Horse. The men hide inside and unload once in the city. They defeat the Trojans.
Menelaus wishes to set sail back to Greece immediately; Agamemnon thinks they should sacrifice to the Gods for their victory. The men divide; Odysseus goes with Menelaus.
Odysseus boasts to the gods about his victory over Troy. Poseidon, God of the Sea, decides to teach him a lesson by keeping him at sea until he realizes that the gods assist in him life.
2. Ismarus – land of the Cicones The Cicones were fighting men and outnumbered Odysseus and his men.
3. somewhere South – land of the Lotus Eaters Insidious plan (the Lotus Blossom) that, if eaten, is all that is desired.
4. Land of the Cyclopes – home of Polyphemus Polyphemus does not abide by the gods’ rule of hospitality. Odysseus and his men hide under sheep and crawl out when they’re let out to pasture.
5. Aeolia – home of Aeolus, keeper of the wind.
6. Land of the Laestrygonians – It is always daylight there.
7. Aeaea– home of Circe, the sorceress Odysseus meets Hermes on his way, who tells him to: accept the potion, which contains the lotus blossom, knowing he’ll be protected from it due to the moly he gives him draw his sword when Circe raises her wand