The Ghana Culture By : Bridget Opoku
The black star represents Ghana and African freedom. The colors symbolize the blood spilled fighting for freedom (red) minerals (gold) and forests (green).The value of their flag represents what they want through.
English is the official language of Ghana and is universally used in schools in addition to nine other local languages. The most widely spoken local languages are, Ga, Dagomba, Akan and Ewe.
Ghanaian kente cloth, decorated with bright symbolic colors and patterns is considered one of Africa’s most beautiful textiles. Made of interwoven stripes of silk and cotton cloth, it is native to the Akan people. They wear it on special occasions.
Nikisi Nkondi Is a type of sculpture with nails through it is consisting of a wooden human figure that is thought to embody a spirit, and is used to take oaths and to take and figure out who has been committing wrong doings.
The shakere is special kind of instrument located in West Africa. It is a gourd drum with cowrie shell and is usually stung with white cotton thread.
Botsford, Beverly. History and Cultural Background Web. 17 Nov Ghana. Culture Grams Kids Edition Web. 11 Nov Ghana. Culture Grams Kids Edition Web. 12 Nov Language and Religion. Ghana Embassy. Web. 12 Nov Pearson, B