Chapter 35: Struggles for Democracy
Ch. 35 Essential Questions: 1. What conditions are needed in a country to facilitate a strong Democracy? 2. Describe the development of the governments of Russia and China as they move toward Democracy.
I. Democracy As a Goal democracy is gov’t by the ppl but democracy is more than a form of gov’t- it is a way of life and an ideal goal post WWII, many nations tried democracy- but democracy is a process that takes years in order for a democracy to succeed there must be certain democratic practices present…
Making a Democracy Work- pg. 1033
II. The Challenge of Democracy in Africa
A. South Africa Under Apartheid lingering effects of colonialism in Africa undermined efforts to build stable, democratic states in South Africa, racial conflict was result of colonial rule- during rule by Dutch & British, SA was racially divided even after SA gained independence in 1931, a small white minority ruled a large black majority
1948- National Party came to power and established policy of apartheid- complete separation of the races under apartheid social contact b/w blacks & whites was banned, creation of segregated schools, hospitals and neighborhoods
B. Blacks’ Protests and Gains black pop. of SA (about 75% total pop.) began to protest apartheid African National Congress (ANC), led by Nelson Mandela, organized strikes and boycotts to protest racist policies Mandela and other protestors arrested/jailed but protests continued, began to turn violent worldwide community began to pressure SA to change- even placing trade restrictions against them and banning SA from the Olympics
Nelson Mandela
1989, a new SA president legalized ANC and released Mandela from prison 1994 SA held first universal elections in which ppl of all races were allowed to vote 1996 SA passed a more democratic constitution granting equal rights to all citizens Today, SA continues to operate under a democratic gov’t but faces serious issue in its future, especially its high crime rate and the AIDS epidemic Watch SA Video
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
III. The Collapse of the Soviet Union A. Gorbachev Moves Toward Democracy By 1960’s it appeared that communism was permanently estb. in Soviet Union Next leaders continued strict Communist policies But in 1982, the aging leadership faced a dilemma- who would be their next party leader? Young, energetic politician named Mikhail Gorbachev. But Gorbachev had new ideas on how the Soviet Union should operate
Past Soviet rulers created totalitarian state that discouraged individual thought/creativity Gorbachev realized that in order for the Soviet economy to progress, there had to be a freedom of thought and information= introduced a policy of glasnost, or openness Glasnost brought remarkable changes- churches re-opened books that were previously banned now published dissidents released from prison press enjoyed a new freedom to investigate/report corruption
B. Reforming the Economy and Politics Gorbachev also tackled inefficient and often corrupt practices in economy introduced policy of perestroika, or economic restructuring local managers gained more authority over their farms/businesses ppl allowed to open small private businesses
Gorbachev also moved to reform the politics through policy of democratization, a gradual opening of the political system to the ppl Gorbachev’s policies brought needed reform but ultimately led to the breakup of the Soviet Union
C. The End of the Soviet Union 1980’s various ethnic groups w/in Soviet land began to call for independence Conservative Communist Party members blamed Gorbachev for loss of Soviet’s control of Eastern Europe and demanded his resignation ppl of Russia revolted- power of Communist Party in SU collapsed By Dec 1991 all 15 nations controlled by the former SU had declared their independence
Former Soviet Bloc Nations
new president elected in Russia, Boris Yeltsin made even more reforms to move Russia closer to democracy 1999, Yeltsin named Vladimir Putin president Putin continued to make democratic reforms in Russia- Current pres is still Putin
D. Germany Reunifies collapse of Soviet Union let East Germany gain control of their gov’t but Communist Party maintained power Communist East German gov’t closed its borders to prevent its citizens from escaping to the west Massive demonstrations broke out across East Germany demanding rights of free travel and eventually free elections
November 9th, 1989 East German gov’t, in a gamble to save Communism, opened the Berlin Wall and allowed free travel gamble did not work and by end of 1989 the communist party in East Germany ceased to exist Germany was officially reunited on October 3rd, 1990
Fall of the Berlin Wall Video - Berlin Wall