Strengthening Our Skills S.O.S. District Learning Day L. Heidemann and D. Rogers August 4, 2016
DO NOW Musical Mingling Can’t Stop The Feeling Justin Timberlake Directions: When the music begins you are going to mingle around the room dancing. When the music stops, you’re to stop dancing and listen to the directions of the presenter. When the music begins back, you are to start back dancing and mingling around the room. Continue steps 2 and 3.
Reflection What did you gain from this activity? Would you use this activity in your classroom?
Norms Be present and engaged. Be respectful of differences in perspective while challenging each other productively and respectively. Monitor “air time.” Make the most of the time we have. Stay focused on students.
Objectives The Learner Will Know: Where to find ALSC Pacing Guide How to write objectives from Guide How to do Data Collection Working with Paraprofessionals
1. Strengthening Our Goals 2. Implementing The Pacing Guide 3. Collecting and Using Data 4. Utilizing Classroom Paraprofessionals Today’s Focus
The Functional and Adaptive Skills Curriculum Pacing Guide are based on the Adaptive Living Skills Curriculum (ALSC). Edugoodies – Exceptional Children-Curriculum Pacing Guide The curriculum focuses on the functional skills necessary for students with moderate to severe disabilities to live the most active, independent and productive life as possible. ALSC is intended as a guide to plan for and teach each individual student in conjunction with each students’ Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Functional and Adaptive Skills
Four Domains Personal Living Skills Home Living Skills Community Living Skills Employment Living Skills
SCS Pacing Guide Curriculum Goals and Instructional Strategies Breakdown for Middle School.pdf Curriculum Goals and Instructional Strategies Breakdown for Middle School.pdf
Sample Lesson Plan Name: Rock Academics Date: 8/16/16 Grade/Setting: 6 Class: FS / AFS Length of Lesson: 30 minutes Subject/Unit: Counting by 2’s Goal: Rock will demonstrate the skills necessary for functional math Objective: Rock will count and write numbers up to 20 by 2 ’ s for 4 out of 5 trials “ I DO ” Direct Instruction - I say and write numbers by counting by 2 ’ s up to 20 “ We DO ” – We say and write numbers by counting by 2 ’ s up to 20 Guided Practice – “ You Do ” - Collaborative Learning – Rock says and writes number by counting by 2 ’ s up to 20 Resources and Materials Brigance Transition Inventory
Activity Complete the blank lesson plan using the ALSC pacing guide. Refer to Gradual Release Guide
Collecting Data Special education teachers have been collecting data long before regular educators were required to. We had to because it was the only way for us to see if our students were learning…..
So…………………… Why do we need to collect data?
Reasons Why???? At any given point, an administrator can request that you hand over your data A parent may request copies of your data It is best practice to take data to an IEP meeting IEP planning Assessments Parental complaints Due Process
DATA BOOKS Why make data books? Accountability See what’s working and what’s not Progress Reporting District will be requiring this
Who do I make data books for? All students Students who require extra time
Data for Verbal Students I keep in a grade book under subjects: Reading Comprehension, Writing, Reading Fluency, Math Fluency, Math Calculations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and division). I record exact grades, so I can see improvement. I record all my portfolio assessments in it too. Then transfer it to the graph pages.
Time???? Putting together a data book does not really take very much time. I do mine right after an annual IEP meeting, and my assistants help. Print off extra pages of objectives only. This is if you are going to have your assistants write in the objectives. I typically cut and paste. It’s quicker, but you can also copy and paste.
Sample Refer to handout on data collections
Feedback How comfortable are you now with….? What else do you need to know to be successful at ….?
Strengthening Our Paraprofessionals JOB GOAL: To assist, support, and work closely with teachers, administrators, and other team members in providing educational benefit for students. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Works with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce learning of materials or skills initially introduced and outlined by certified staff. 2. Assists the certified staff in devising special strategies for reinforcing learning materials and skills based on a sympathetic understanding of individual students, their needs, interests, and abilities. 3. Monitors work, correct papers, collect data and supervises curriculum- based testing.
Strengthening Our Paraprofessionals 4. Serves as the chief source of information and help to any guest teacher assigned in the absence of the regular certified staff. 5. Performs clerical, classroom maintenance, and instructional duties as assigned by the certified staff. 6. Alerts the certified staff to any problem or special information about an individual student. 7. Performs assigned supervision of students during lunch periods, exploratory classes, on field trips and Community Based Instructions Trips.
Strengthening Our Paraprofessionals 8. Performs assigned non-instructional classroom duties, such as snack time, toileting, and clothing routines. 9. Demonstrates ethical behavior and confidentiality of information about students in school environment and community. 11. Participates in-service training programs as approved. 12. Maintains safe working environment and encourages colleagues to be safety minded in the performance of all school-related duties. 13. Performs other such duties / assignments as directed by the certified staff. 14. Assists as directed by certified staff in the effort to successfully maintain students with special needs in an integrated setting. 15. Effectively collects and maintains evidence of meeting. (Portfolio)
Strengthening Our Paraprofessionals 14. Assists as directed by certified staff in the effort to successfully maintain students with special needs in an integrated setting. 15. Effectively collects and maintains evidence of student’s goals and objectives. (Portfolio)
Revisit Objectives The Learner Will Know: Where to find ALSC Pacing Guide How to write objectives from Guide How to do Data Collection Working with Paraprofessionals
Reflection: One minute paper on post-it The Man In The Mirror Jot down your “Take-Always” Consider what you need to know and be able to do to successfully implement what you have learned in this session. – What is still unclear? – What professional development or additional resources do you need?
If you need help… Leslie Heidemann – Dedriene Rogers –