Outlook on Afrobarometer findings 2012 to 2015 in Sierra Leone.
What is the Afrobarometer? The Afrobarometer (AB) is a comparative series of public opinion surveys that measure public attitudes toward democracy, governance, the economy, leadership, identity, and other related issues The AB is an independent, non-partisan, African-based network of researchers. The first round of surveys took place in in 12 countries. The Network is now conducting “Round 6” surveys in up to 35 countries during Purpose: To measure popular perspectives on the social, political, and economic environments in each country where it is implemented and across Africa Goal: To give the public a voice in policy making processes by providing high- quality public opinion data to policy-makers, policy advocates and civil society organizations, academics, media, donors and investors, and ordinary Africans
Country Coverage: Round 1, , 12 countries Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe West Africa: Ghana, Mali, Nigeria East Africa: Tanzania, Uganda Round 2, , 16 countries All Round 1 countries Cape Verde, Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal Round 3, , 18 countries Benin, Madagascar Round 4, , 20 countries Burkina Faso, Liberia Round 5, , 35 countries targeted Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Cote d’lVoire, Egypt, Guinea, Mauritius, Morocco, Niger, Togo, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan Round 6, , 35 countries Targeted
Where Afrobarometer works
A Pan-African Network of survey researchers and analysts: In each country there is a National Partner responsible for survey implementation and advocacy. National Partners in each country conduct the survey. In Sierra Leone, Afrobarometer Round 6 survey field work was conducted by ITASCAP, and CGG and Lena Thompson are responsible for dissemination of results. Three Core Partners provide technical assistance and Network management: Center for Democratic Development (CDD), Ghana Institute for Development Studies (IDS), University of Nairobi, Kenya Institute for Empirical Research in Political Economy (IREEP), Benin Two Support Units for capacity building and quality assurance Michigan State University University of Cape Town Round 6 Core Funders include DFID SIDA Mo Ibrahim Foundation Who is the Afrobarometer?
Methodology Nationally representative sample of adult citizens All respondents are randomly selected. Sample is distributed across districts/provinces and urban/rural areas in proportion to their share in the national population. Every adult citizen has an equal chance of being selected Face-to-face interviews In the language of the respondent’s choice. Standard questionnaire allows comparisons across countries and over time. Sample size in Sierra Leone of 1,200 adult citizens yields a margin of error of +/-3% with a 95% confidence level. Fieldwork for Round 6 in Sierra Leone was conducted between 22 May and 10 June 2015.
Survey demographics % Gender Male 50 Female 50 Location Urban 37 Rural 63 Region East25 North33 South22 West20 Education No formal education 45 Primary 13 Secondary 28 Post-secondary 14 Religion Christian 22 Muslim 73 Other 4
Research Tool Questionnaire used focused on the following: Democracy Conflict and Crime Elections Gender equality Political participation Poverty Service delivery Governance Citizenship Energy Infrastructure China questions Pan Africanism and Regionalism Economics
Three Disseminations 3 disseminations based on the AB protocol done for both rounds 5 and 6 for Sierra Leone. These brought out findings in key thematic areas such: Sierra Leone perceptions of democracy. Corruption, trust, and performance of political leaders. Economic and living conditions, and Government economic performance. These were presented to stakeholders in Freetown and Makeni.
Sierra Leone perceptions of democracy
Satisfaction with democracy | Respondents were asked: Overall, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in Sierra Leone?
Corruption, trust, and performance of political leaders.
Perceived corruption among public institutions | Sierra Leone |
Economic and living conditions, and Government economic performance.
Country’s present economic condition |
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