August 12, :00-3:30
Group Agreements Be Collaborative Ask Questions Be Open Be Respectful Be willing to make mistakes Start and end on time 2
1. CalSWEC will ask to add protected time for elearning to CWDA agenda for discussion a.RTAs will continue this discussion & solution finding with counties 2. CDSS will share last year’s ATP survey report & the questions for this year 3. CalSWEC will make recommendations for modulizing the trainer prep curriculum for flexible delivery 4. CalSWEC will post decisions doc online a.TT, Macro, & Field will create parallel docs 5. Add county readiness as agenda item for next time 6. NTA will share 2.5 passport with the group 7. CalSWEC will add trainer instruction linking / reminding associated field activities at the end of curricula with field activities 4
10. Field committee will have additional discussion of who to select for field pilots 11. TT will establish a post-implementation timeline for revisiting tech/SCORM agreements 12. PCWTA will send examples of programming glitches that need QC attention to TT & RTA D/C 13. Ensure trainer prep module preps trainers for debriefing end of block test 14. End of block test reviewers will be asked to identify questions to focus debrief on 15. Macro eval will work with CDOG to develop debrief concept 16. CalSWEC will ask item writers for shareable doc tracking items to LOs 17. Assessment block 200 pilot a.CalSWEC will add statement about core content being general, basic, standardized & important for all CWS positions to the Intro, Assessment Block, trainer note, & T4T 5
Develop comprehensive materials list for each curriculum 6
Implementation Timeline Training for Trainers ◦ Facilitator-led Skills-based Training ◦ Available curricula Summary of CC 3.0 Key Decisions 7
Current Status of Assessment Block What’s in the Parking Lot What do we need to prepare for February 2017 Implementation? 8
SDM and CMI recommendations Revision process Roles and responsibilities eLearning, classroom, field, evaluation Timeline Process to build connections between curriculum Observation 9
Updates on work from the Field Committee 11
Updates on work from the Tech Team 12
Item review by SMEs and the RTAs ◦ Status Update ◦ Proposed Structure Standardized Level 1 Survey Debrief Concept Reporting under CC 3.0 New Protocol for Data Submission and Piloting Data Automation 13
Next meeting: November 18 th 9:00-3:30