Wars Affect Spanish Texas Main Idea: The French and Indian War and American Revolution affect Spanish Texas and change the landscape of North America.
THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ( ) A. Fought on 2 fronts: EUROPE and NORTHAMERICA i.Called the FRENCH and INDIAN WAR in North America ii.Called the SEVEN YEARS WAR in Europe
The French and English Collide The “French and Indian War”, the colonial part of the “Seven Years War” that ravaged Europe from 1754 to 1763, was the bloodiest American war in the 1700’s. It took more lives than the American Revolution, involved people on three continents, including the Caribbean.
“The Last of the Mohicans” (setting during the French & Indian War) Mr. Keeton recommends this movie based on the famous American novel written by James Fenimore Cooper. The film captures vivid imagery of the bloodshed of the war as well as the emotion displayed by Indians who longed to protect their land and culture from intruders.
THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ( ) B. TREATY of PARIS (1763) ended war (England defeats France) i.GREAT BRITAIN : got Canada and all French land EAST of Mississippi River ii.SPAIN : got all land WEST of Mississippi River, New Orleans, and Florida
North America before the French and Indian War 1750 North America after the French and Indian War 1763
THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ( ) C. How did this war affect Texas? i.FRANCE no longer a threat to Spanish Texas; so Spain closed down East TX missions and moved East TX settlers to SAN ANTONIO ii.GIL YBARBO founded NACOGDOCHES ; he was homesick in San Antonio, so he moved some Spanish settlers east w/out permission
Where is Nacogdoches?
Gil Ybarbo Founder of Nacogdoches
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ( ) A.In a nutshell, the 13 COLONIES overthrow BRITISH rule; Spain and France support the American colonists * You’ll learn more about these 13 colonies next year!!!
13 Original Colonies
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ( ) B. BERNARDO GALVEZ : Spanish governor who helped the American colonists i.FED American troops ii.Opened the port of NEW ORLEANS for supplies
Bernardo Galvez
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ( ) C. TREATY of PARIS (1783) ended war; established peace b/w Great Britain and U.S. (America wins!) i.Britain recognizes American INDEPENDENCE ii.New BOUNDARIES of America
North America After the Treaty of Paris (1783)
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1800) A.Emperor of France conquers most of EUROPE B. He forces SPAIN to give Louisiana territory back to France
NOT this Napoleon!!!
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1800) C.He later loses some battles and needs MONEY; so he sells land D.The LOUISIANA PURCHASE (1803) i.U.S. President THOMAS JEFFERSON buys Louisiana territory ( 14 current states) from France for $ 15 MILLION * Equal to $270 million today!
LOUISIANA PURCHASE (1803) (see green shade)
BOUNDARY DISPUTE B/W U.S. AND SPANISH TEXAS OVER LOUISIANA A.U.S. claimed boundary was SABINE River and possibly all of TEXAS B. Spain claimed boundary was the ARROYO HONDO, near the Calcasieu River (east of the Sabine River in Louisiana)
BOUNDARY DISPUTE B/W U.S. AND SPANISH TEXAS OVER LOUISIANA C. NEUTRAL GROUND - disputed land b/w Sabine and Arroyo Hondo rivers i.NO GOVERNMENT or ruling authority ii.Becomes a HIDEAWAY for criminals/outcasts * Early Texans occupy this territory!
BOUNDARY DISPUTE B/W U.S. AND SPANISH TEXAS OVER LOUISIANA D. ADAMS-ONIS TREATY (1819) – ended the dispute, set boundary at SABINE River and… i.U.S. gets FLORIDA and gives up claim to Texas ii.Spain gets all land west of the Sabine River (i.e., all of TEXAS) iii.Spain allows AMERICANS to settle Texas
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
Spanish Rule Ends in Texas Main Idea: Spain begins to lose its control of Texas as American filibusters, French pirates, and Mexican revolutionaries threaten Spanish authority.
AMERICANS MIGRATE TO TEXAS FILIBUSTERS – individuals who carried out rebellious activities in a foreign country i.Plotted to seize CONTROL of Texas ii.PHILIP NOLAN – Irishman and MUSTANGER from Louisiana
“MUSTANGER” – one who captures and sells wild horses
The modern mustanger… 2013 FORD MUSTANG GT
AMERICANS MIGRATE TO TEXAS 1.Suspected of SPYING for U.S. army 2.Ordered to leave TEXAS, but returns anyway and is killed in battle 3.His men are captured and taken to prison in MEXICO CITY; PETER BEAN only survivor; later set free
MEXICO CLAIMS INDEPENDENCE FROM SPAIN September 16, 1810 – FATHER HIDALGO issues the GRITO de DELORES, or “Cry of Delores” for INDEPENDENCE from Spain
A painting of FATHER HIDALGO
MEXICO CLAIMS INDEPENDENCE FROM SPAIN 1.He asks the Mexican people to REVOLT 2.He is captured in 1811 and EXECUTED 3.He INSPIRES others to take up arms
GUTIERREZ-MAGEE EXPEDITION GUTIERREZ is a rebel (former Hidalgo supporter) from Mexico; recruits American MAGEE from U.S. Army for help in LIBERATION, or freeing of TEXAS from Spain
GUTIERREZ-MAGEE EXPEDITION Inspired by AMERICAN Revolution, they want to form a REPUBLIC where voters choose people who represent them Call force “REPUBLICAN ARMY of the NORTH” WON a few battles, and declared independence from Spain Overall expedition FAILED
JEAN LAFITTE French PIRATE “working” GULF Coast waters; including ports of GALVESTON and New Orleans He first helps the Americans against British during WAR of 1812 But later attacks AMERICAN ships; stopped by U.S. NAVY
JAMES AND JANE LONG James is a FILIBUSTER from Mississippi who tries to free TEXAS from Spain i.Captures NACOGDOCHES, declares Texas free and independent; elected president ii.Tries to recruit help from JEAN LAFITTE iii.He is later captured at GOLIAD, taken to Mexico City; killed by a guard
JAMES AND JANE LONG JANE, his wife, along with KIAN, her servant, hold off KARANKAWA Indians i.She later becomes wealthy LANDOWNER in Texas ii.Known historically as the “ MOTHER of TEXAS ”
TEXAS NOW PART OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO September 1821 : MEXICO officially becomes independent from SPAIN Spain ruled Texas for nearly 300 years, but resulted in only a few successful SETTLEMENTS i.San Antonio, Goliad, Nacogdoches, Ysleta, Laredo
TEXAS NOW PART OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO Why did Spain fail to settle Texas??? i.No GOLD or SILVER ii.Spanish settlers preferred MEXICO iii.DISTANCE iv.Texas INDIANS were unfriendly