6 th Grade Art
6 th Grade Studio Art Ms. Heinze The goal of the Middle School Art Department is to expose students to all of the mediums that you will one day explore during the Rye High School experience. Some of these mediums include; painting, drawing, collage, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture, and digital imaging. In this class, students will look closely at various artists and the techniques they used. The class will give students a foundation in understanding the elements and principles of art and design, confidence in talking about work, and class exercises for strengthening your confidence in drawing both from life and your imagination. PROJECTS: Each project will be introduced featuring a different artist, movement, artistic culture and/or technique. Different classes move through these projects at different speeds. We may get to all, we may not, the goal is to allow enough time to successfully complete the project at hand. ART CRITICISM: We will spend time discussing an artist at the beginning of each project. Here you will learn to assess and derive meaning from any art form through the process of description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment. Students will also gain experience in talking about one’s own and each other’s art during class critiques. ASSESSMENT: Upon completion of each project, each student will receive a grade based upon the following criteria: Concept 25% Application of the Techniques 25% Participation 25% Presentation 25% *EVERY STUDENT HAS ONE WEEK TO FINISH EACH PROJECT AFTER THE OFFICIAL DUE DATE, BUT THE STUDENT CAN ONLY WORK ON HIS/HER PROJECT DURING THE DO-NOW, DURING X-PERIOD, OR AT HOME.
SKETCHBOOK RUBRIC: Each section is graded out of 25 points. DRAWING- The student completed the majority of his/her drawings. The drawings are well designed, colorful, and conceptual. There is a growth in understanding of the elements of art and principles of design as the semester progresses. There is growth in the student’s ability to show various techniques learned. QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY! REFLECTION- The student showed effort and thoughtfulness in the specific concepts and themes presented. The student show experimentation and thinking outside of the box. PRESENTATION– The sketchbook shows care and neatness. The drawings are well organized and the student has taken care of their book. PARTICIPATION-- The student worked on their drawings everyday for the full ten minutes. Students continually showed effort and approached the sketchbook inquisitively through this assignment. Student cleaned up hi/hers supplies, behaved in a studio appropriate manner, and followed the sketchbook routine.
Student Samples
Book Making/ Children’s Book