Scheduling for School Year
What You’ll Need Internet Access Scheduling Letter Program of Studies Student Login Info
Before you enter requests… Read your scheduling letter for elective choices Use the program of studies for a description of elective choices
Click on Handbook/ Academic Documents Click on High School Program of Studies Provides Course Descriptions! Provides course pre-requisites *Cours(es) you must have taken *Grade(s) you must have earned *Grade you must be in Program of Studies
Current 6 th grade Courses that will be added FOR YOU: –English 7 –Geography/World Cultures –Life Science 7 –Art 7 (every other day, 1 semester) –Music (every other day, 1 semester) –PE (every other day, full year)
Current 6 th grade Math course needs approval Exploratory electives choices (every other day, full year) : –Biodiversity –Literary Circle –Drama –World Language, Spanish I, Part A General elective choices (every other day, full year) : –Band –Jazz Band –Chorus –Lego Mindstorm Robotics –Digital Technology –Art elective: Mixed Media Art
Current 7 th grade Courses that will be added FOR YOU: –English 8 –Social Studies 8 –Physical Science 8 –Technology/Engineering (every other day, 1 semester) –Health/Nutrition (every other day, 1 semester) –PE (every other day, full year)
Current 7 th grade Math course needs approval Exploratory elective choices (every other day, full year) : –Contemporary Issues –Journalism –Forensic Science –Intro to French General electives choices (every other day, full year) : –Band –Jazz Band –Chorus –Art –Baking –World Language: Spanish I, part B –World Language: Mandarin Chinese I, part B
Step 1: Log into PowerSchool Go to: Click on Tahanto Regional Middle/High School Click on PowerSchool Parent/Student Click on Login The PowerSchool Window will open User name will be: –2019jsmith (year of grad, first initial, last name) Initial password: stags2
Step 2: Click on Class Registration from the left-hand menu
You will see the required courses already entered for your at the top of the registration screen – Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, etc. When a choice is needed you will see a red exclamation point. When you have completed a request you will see a green check mark. You will see your recommendation for math. Click on the “pencil” icon to open up the choices for math. To make a selection click in the small check box on the left of that choice. You may notice that some courses are not available for you to check. This may happen if a teacher has not recommended you for that course. Click “Okay” to accept your choice of courses. Step 3: Accept your math recommendation
Select 2 choices for each exploratory elective and 2 for each general elective. Be sure to also complete the “alternate” electives in case your first choices are not available. Please select 2 alternative electives for both exploratory and general electives. Make sure that you click the next arrow to see the various elective screens Step 4: Choose your electives
Step 5: Special Services Students on an Individual Education Plan should review the special services link to approve required academic services.
March 21st: Deadline for students to input courses
Review Find the PowerSchool Login on Tahanto’s Home Page Login with appropriate username and password Agree with math recommendation made by the teacher Add Elective Requests Click Okay
Review cont. All requests will be run through the scheduler –not all requests can be met for all students Questions or concerns? Visit Ms. Russell