Creekside Park Junior High Welcome to sixth grade!
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year filled with exciting opportunities to use our critical thinking and problem solving skills. We believe that students need to be provided with an environment that builds life long learners with a sense of community and cooperation. Welcome to Sixth Grade
World Cultures (Social Studies) Culture, history, economics, geography and government will be examined closely for each continent. Homework will be assigned Monday/Tuesday and due Friday each week. Our activities are group and independent products, discussions, reading, writing, dramatic, technology, etc. from various resources.
Organization Your child is responsible for filling out and bringing home their student planner and homework on a daily basis. If a class assignment is not completed during class it will become homework. Please do not let your Cougar throw away papers until after report cards are received each nine weeks.
Classwork, Projects, and Homework Deductions for late work will be: 1 day late = -15 pts. 2 day late = -30 pts. 3 day late = Grade of 0
Make-Up Work It is your student’s responsibility to make up work when he or she has been absent. Assigned work is important and must be completed by all students. One day for each day of the absence is allowed for the make-up work. Work not completed within the specified time will be recorded as a zero.
Progress Reports & Report Cards At the 3 rd and 6 th week of each nine weeks, a progress report will be sent home to let you know how your child is doing thus far. Progress reports should be returned to the homeroom teacher after signing. Every 9 weeks we will send home a report card for the average earned in each subject.
Attendance Your child must be in class to learn. If at all possible please do not pull students out of school for vacation time. If they are tardy or leave early they are missing vital instruction and this also effects Perfect Attendance awards. After absences please bring a note for the front office within three days.
Dress Code Please read the dress code on the online hand book. We have gone over it with all our sixth graders. Some specifics, but not all: No shorts above fingertips, cut offs, or running shorts. No spaghetti straps even under shear tops or off the shoulder shirts. Leggings are allowed with appropriate length of shorts/skirts/dresses. Dresses and skirts must be long enough when sitting, bending or standing. Boys hair must be collar length or shorter.
Interactive Student Notebook and Binder for Social Studies Your child is responsible for their I.S.N. and binder. These notebooks contain all lessons learned and will be used on a daily basis. Students will be allowed to bring home their interactive notebooks and binders for use at home.
Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via or phone. I have 3 rd period conference and am available to meet or speak about questions or concerns. Third period is from 9:45-10:30 a.m. My cell phone is I do not mind occasional phone calls if you have a time sensitive question. I turn it off at bedtime so you will not disturb me.
Teacher Webpage Please subscribe to All teachers’ webpages! This tool is used to communicate what is going on in the classroom. Please go to Click on the tab about us and staff directory. Scroll and find each teacher. BOOKMARK TO YOUR FAVORITES!
Thank you for your continued support and confidence. Please do not hesitate to contact us. I look forward to an exciting year!