Settled First attempt is started by Sir Walter Raleigh at Roanoke and fails Second settlement created near Albemarle Sound by colonists from Virginia looking for farmland – successful Lord Proprietors take over King Charles II grants the Carolina colony to 8 noblemen that helped him become King of England Carolina colony controlled by the proprietors and who they appoint
Who settles there? Virginia farmers in the northern part European farmers from Barbados in southern part Scots-Irish Germans
People Continued Moravians Settled in Forsyth County; against war and believe every human spirit was touched by God; Church runs all aspect of life Quakers Religious group against war; want to reform society; negotiate with Natives
Things Get Rough Bacon’s Rebellion Occurs in Virginia because Bacon is not happy with the way the governor was running government Wants the government to allow the colonists to move west and protect the colonists from natives – governor refuses Bacon gathers colonists that were upset with the governors rule and rebels Starts the trend of rebelling against English rule
More Trouble Culpepper’s Rebellion In NC; colonists rebel against the English trying to control trade and impose taxes Navigation Acts Passed Can only use English ships to trade and must pay a tax Colonists used to being able to ship on the cheapest ships and be on their own Colonists rebel but nothing really changes or happens (colonists not punished)
Even More Trouble Cary’s Rebellion In NC; Quakers rebel when NC tries to establish a formal religion – Anglican Church This would not allow Quakers to hold offices War erupted between the two sides The Quakers lost the war in the end
Native Trouble Tuscarora War Tuscarora were mad that the colonists were taking over their land Fight back to get their land back Attack quick and sudden NC gets the help of rival native tribes to fight back Colonists defeat the Tuscarora
North Carolina is Formed The Carolina Colony grows It becomes too large to manage as one colony 1712 it splits into two colonies North Carolina South Carolina