APA Format Formatting the Reference List: Books and Articles from Periodicals Catherine M. Parisian.


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Presentation transcript:

APA Format Formatting the Reference List: Books and Articles from Periodicals Catherine M. Parisian

The reference list:  provides an index to the sources cited in your paper.  begins on a new page at the end of your paper.  is titled “References,” centered at the top of the page  uses hanging indents to set off each reference.  is double spaced with no extra spaces between references.  is alphabetized by the author’s last name. If an article has more than one author, alphabetize by the first author’s last name.  Includes every source cited in your paper, and every source cited in your paper must appear on the reference list.

Reference List Basics: Authors’ names  Invert all authors’ names, using their last names first and then their initials. APA uses no first or middle names, only initials.  When a source includes titles with the authors’ names such as RN omit these from your reference list.  e.g. Parisian, C. M.  When a source has two authors use an ampersand (&) to separate their names  e.g. Parisian, C. M. & Smith, J.  When a source has three to seven authors, use commas to separate the names up to the second to last author. Use an ampersand before the last author’s name.  e.g. Parisian, C. M., Smith, J. & Doe, S.

Authors’ Names (continued)  When a source has seven or more authors, list the first six authors as shown on the previous slide.  After the sixth author, insert an ellipsis, three dots with spaces between them, like this...  After the ellipsis, add the last author. No more than seven authors should be listed in a citation.  e.g. Parisian, C. M., Smith, J., Doe, S., Rawling, J. K., Grisham, J., Dickens, C.,... Austen, J.

Titles of Sources  APA uses a different format for titles of sources depending on whether they appear in the body of your paper or in the works cited list.  Titles of books, entire journals, and longer works always appear in italic font  Titles of articles in books, journals, and on websites, as well as other short works appear in normal font.

Titles in Reference List: Periodical Titles Periodical Articles  Periodicals are publications issued on a regular time schedule such as journals, magazines, newspapers, and newsletters.  Periodical titles (not to be confused with periodical articles which are covered in the next slide):  Use italic font, give the complete title, and capitalize all words over four letters long.  Also capitalize the first word, the first word after a colon, the first word after an em dash (a long dash that looks like this — ), and proper nouns, even if they are less than five letters long.  e.g. The American Journal of Nursing

Titles in Reference List: Books and Reports  Books and Report Titles  Use italic font and capitalize the first word, the first word after a colon, the first word after an em dash (a long dash that looks like this — ), and proper nouns. All other words appear in lower case.  The second word in a hyphenated compound word appears in lower case  e.g. Runner-up  Enclose any additional identification information such as the edition, volume, or report number in parenthesis after the title in normal font, using no punctuation between the title and the opening parenthesis. Place a period after the closing parenthesis.  e.g. Nursing 2016 drug handbook (36 th edition).

Titles in Reference List: Periodical Articles and Chapter Titles  Periodical titles and chapter titles:  use normal font and NO quotation marks  follow the rules for capitalizing a book title: capitalize the first word, the first word after a colon, the first word after an em dash (a long dash that looks like this — ), and proper nouns. All other words appear in lower case.  e.g. Original research: An investigation into the health-promoting lifestyle practices of RNs

Formatting a Reference for the Reference Page: A Periodical Article  Begin with the authors’ names; followed by the year in parentheses and a period; followed by the title of the article and a period; followed by the title of the periodical and a comma; followed by the volume number in italics and a comma; followed by the inclusive page numbers and a period, followed by the digital object identifier (DOI) with no period. If an article has no DOI, then omit it.  Note: only include the page numbers, no “p.” or “pp.”  e.g.: Thacker, K., Haas Stavarski, D., Brancato, V., Flay, C., & Greenawald, D. (2016). Original research: An investigation into the health-promoting lifestyle practices of RNs. The American Journal of Nursing, 116, doi: /01.NAJ b7

Formatting a Reference for the Reference Page: A Book  Begin with the author’s(s’) name(s); followed by the year of publication in parentheses with a period after the closing parenthesis; followed by the title in italic font and a period; followed by the place of publication and a semi- colon; followed by the publisher and a period.  Note that for the place of publication, APA specifies that we use the two-letter postal abbreviation for states, with no commas and with both letters capitalized. e.g.: Oermann, M. H. & Hayes, J. C. (2016) Writing for publication in nursing. New York, NY: Springer.

Creating the Reference List  Be sure that the references are alphabetized by the first author’s last name.  Remember to use hanging indents.  In Word, you may create your entire list with no indentation and add the hanging indents once the list is complete.  To do so:  highlight the entire list.  Open the paragraph menu.  Find the “special” drop down menu and select “hanging”.  Select “okay” and it should add the hanging indents to your list.

Creating the Reference List Oermann, M. H. & Hayes, J. C. (2016) Writing for publication in nursing. New York, NY: Springer. Thacker, K., Haas Stavarski, D., Brancato, V., Flay, C., & Greenawald, D. (2016). Original research: An investigation into the health-promoting lifestyle practices of RNs. The American Journal of Nursing, 116, doi: /01.NAJ b7

End of Formatting the Reference List: Books and Articles from Periodicals All information in this presentation is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association sixth edition, second printing and later. The first printing has errors in it. If you have a copy of the first printing, please consult this website 2e.pdfhttp://supp.apa.org/style/pubman-reprint-corrections-for- 2e.pdf If you have further questions regarding formatting your title page and running head, you may contact me at