Creating Templates Using APA Style Why bother? This is a way to make sure that you are following APA, without having to “re-create the wheel” each time you write a paper. Save yourself time & effort! Focus on developing your IDEAS rather than conforming your paper to APA! Get less corrective feedback around APA style on your papers (whether they are for a grade at UNM or have been submitted for publication)!
How to start? Get out your APA Manuals! p has several important formatting guidelines The font style should be _______. The font size should be _______. The spacing for the whole paper should be _______. The margins should be _______.
Re-set the Defaults Open a new Word document & let’s re-set the defaults so that they match the APA requirements! Go to the “Format” drop-down menu at the top of your screen & Select Font—what do you need to change? Select Paragraph—what do you need to change? Select Document—what do you need to change? Go to the File menu, and select “Save.” Name your file APA Template.
Include the Elements of APA Papers On p in the APA Manual are the major sections that should be included, as well as elements specific to each: Title page Running head & page numbers Abstract Running head & page numbers Main body of the paper Title References
Title Page To add a running header, double-click on the top margin of your document; you will see the “header” of your paper appear. Click on the “Header/Footer” tab (next to “Home”) Check the box next to “Different First Page”
Title Page Type -- Running head: PAPER TITLE (Note the case!) To add page numbers, click on the “Insert” drop- down menu at the top of your screen. Select “Page Numbers” (alignment should be right, and “show number for first page” should be checked). For both running head & page numbers, change the font to Times New Roman, 12-pt.
Title Page Mid-way down the page, type your paper’s title using “title caps” This is a Sample Title Using Appropriate Capitalization Center your title by click on the “Home” menu, and selecting the “Center Text” button. Under your title, type your name. Under your name, type your affiliation University of New Mexico Nothing on your title page should be in bold font!
Abstract After typing your affiliation on the title page, click on the “Insert” drop-down menu. Select “Break” Select “Page break” Type the word Abstract on this page. This should be centered, and not in bold font.
Abstract To EDIT your running header, double-click on the top margin of the second page of your document (the page your abstract is on); you will see the “header” of your paper appear. Click on the “Header/Footer” tab (next to “Home”) Check the box next to “Different First Page” Delete the text “Running head:” that appears before your ALL CAPS TITLE Go to the File menu, and select “Save” again!
Main Body of Document Click on the “Insert” drop-down menu. Select “Break” Select “Page break” Type your title on this page. This should be centered, and not in bold font.
References After typing your affiliation on the title page, click on the “Insert” drop-down menu. Select “Break” Select “Page break” Type References on this page. This should be centered, and not in bold font. Go to the File menu, and select “Save” again! When you start a new paper, open up your APA Template file & select SAVE AS -- this will allow you save the file WITH A NEW NAME & not over-write your template!
Stay Tuned for More on References October 21, 2016 (Dr. Scherba de Valenzuela) What is a credible source? (beginning level) Differentiating between different types of publications (beginning level) Using your APA manual to find models for different types of references (beginning level) November 11, 2016 (Dr. Stefania Petcu) Format of in-text references (beginning level) Format of reference list (beginning level)