Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Music and art should have the same value as other subjects at school such as math and science. Give specific reasons and examples to support your ideas. Agree or Disagree Task 2
Take Your Stand agree Reason1 Reason2 disagree Reason1 Reason2 Step 1
Brainstorming: Agree Build our character Make you a better person Make you more valuable Part of core programs at university Give more career opportunity Step 2
Format Topic Sentence: I think music and art should have the same value as other courses. Supporting Details: (1)Music and art are parts of our culture. Example: build character, make you more valuable (2) Music and art are part of some core programs at universities. Example: give students more career opportunities Step 3
Sample Answer I think music and art should have the same value as other courses. Firstly, they are part of our society. Appreciating music and art can make you well-rounded. On the other hand, if all we studied was math and science, we’d be like robots and never appreciate the beauty of our world. Secondly, studies have shown that people with comprehensive educations are more valuable in the workforce. Many universities now require students to take a core curriculum before they pick a major. This gives them some knowledge in many areas and provides them with flexibility in choosing their careers. For these reasons, I believe art and music should have the same value as other courses.
Take Your Stand disagree Reason1 Reason2 Step 1
Brainstorming: Disagree Won’t help you find a job Not very practical Not fair to untalented people Affect chance of college entrance Affect chance of graduation Step 2
Format Topic Sentence: I believe music and art shouldn’t have the same value as other courses. Supporting Details: (1)They won’t help a person find a job in the future. Example: no practical application (2) The classes are not fair to untalented people. Example: many people have no talent for music or art Step 3
Sample Answer I believe art and music shouldn’t have the same value as other courses. First of all, they have no practical use in the real world. Simply put, no one cares if I can play the piano or draw well when I apply for a job, so art and music shouldn’t be considered important classes. Another important thing is that some people have no talent for art and music, so giving grades in these classes is unfair. If a student with little artistic or musical talent got a bad grade in a class, it might affect his chances of getting into college or even graduating from college. Therefore, I think art and music shouldn’t have the same value as other courses.
1.Stress5.Money 4.Culture 3.Communication 2.Health6.Interest 7.Time Common Reasons for task 2 Task 2
1. Stress + Under great pressure Feel exhausted. really stressed out lately._ Relaxing/ refreshed/comfortable/cozy Be in a good mood Release or reduce the pressure/stress Be more efficient Task 2
Do you like to stay home or go out for exercise in your spare time?
Well, I definitely prefer to go out. I would go to the park near my house. Because I was really under great pressure. Sometimes, when I was staying at home, my parents usually let me do all kinds of housework which is really disturbing. But rather, if I go out, I am always in a good mood, I can release my pressure and I can relax. Every time when I go to park, I can really enjoy the beautiful air and I got so refreshed. And I feel so comfortable when I get back to my normal life, so I definitely prefer to go out for exercise.
2. Health Mental health: stay positive/optimistic Physical health: work out regularly in the gym Stay fit/healthy Get rid of diseases/illness Build up muscles/ upper-body strength Task 2
Do you like to work out regularly like 3 times a week, or you like to work out everyday?
I like to work out regularly, Because if you work too much, you will be so exhausted for using up your muscle too much. But if you work regularly, you will get rid of diseases, illnesses. and also, if you want to build up your upper-body muscles, you need to give your muscle a rest. You cannot just let it work all the time. And you will feel very happy if you work out regularly, You will be able to stay in a positive mind.
3. Communication Be sociable Inter-personal relations Have shared interests/hobbies Hang out together Kill time Don’t feel lonely anymore. Task 2
Do you like to spend your birthday by yourself or you like to celebrate your birthday with a bunch of friends?
I definitely would like to celebrate my birthday with my friends. Because I wanna be sociable, I like to hang out with people whom I like. I don’t wanna kill time just by myself, I will feel really lonely, especially on my birthday. And also, hang out with people who have the same interest will improve my interpersonal skills.Besides, We can share our new findings,hobbies and interest.
4. Culture Learn a different culture Food culture Cultural diversity Cultural background Broaden/ widen horizon Know more about the outside world. Develop a different perspective/ view of the world Exchange ideas and opinions Task 2
Do you think it is important to learn a different language? Yes, I do agree that we should learn at least one foreign language. When you learn a different language, you will develop a different perspective of the world, and also you will learn a different culture, which can broaden your horizon,
If your friends come to visit you from another country, will you take your friends to a culture related sites or modern sites? I definitely will show him the culture related sites. In our country, we have great food culture, such as,Dumpling, rice pudding Aslo, we have 56 ethnic groups in China, each of group has own culture.
5. Money Take a part-time job Take part in an internship A job related to my major Pay for the expensive tuition Cover the rent of the apartment Economical Task 2
During your spring vacation, will you take a part-time job, or you want to have a trip? take a part-time job, And I need to pay for the expensive tuition and cover the rent for the apartment. what’s more, i can experience the real world before graduation. donate money to charities. have a trip, i can enrich your experience and widen horizon. i don’t have to worry about job because i will find one in the future anyway.
6. Interest Interest is the best teacher Enjoy life To do something I really like makes me happy. It was difficult to do a good job without interest and motivation The source of enthusiasm and passion Good mood and higher efficiency Task 2
Do you prefer to learn a major that would help you to get a good job, or to learn a major that you like in the university? as the old saying goes,Interest is the best teacher, If you have the interest, you can learn the best, you can excel in whatever things you really like to do. It is so difficult to do a good job if you lack of interest motivation. It is gonna be a life time pain if you do something you don’t even like. If you have good mood, you will have higher efficiency.
7. Time It saves tons of time. It only takes ____ hours/minutes/seconds Higher efficiency Waste time I don’t think I’ll spend that much time on it. Task 2
Do you agree or disagree, subway is the most efficient transportation in your country? Of course, it can save tons of time, higher efficiency, I don’t have to spend so much time and it only takes me … time, so I don’t have be stuck in the traffic jam.
Practice Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for children to grow up in countryside than in big cities. Use specific reasons to support your answer Task 2
Sample Answer Countryside 1. Less stress 2. Health Task 2
Big cities 1. Better education 2. Diversified Culture
Homework 1. Some people borrow money to buy things in need, others save up money until they can afford it. Which one would you do? why?(life) 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should do part-time jobs before attending college.(work) 3. Some people prefer to read newspapers or magazines everyday instead of watching TV or listening to radio all the time. Which one do you prefer and why?(leisure) 4. In a group setting, which one do you prefer, being a leader or a follower? Use details or examples to explain your answer.(success)