Welcome to 3rd Grade
Why we have rules and procedures … Keep us safe Save time Making sure learning is happening Feel comfortable Stop interruptions LEARNING
Class Rules 1. Always be respectful ( following directions, actively listening) 2. Raise your hand to speak or get out of your seat 3. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself 4. Work quietly ** Behaviors such as hitting, stealing, or bullying will be an automatic office referral**
Morning Procedures
Get to School on Time! If it is after 7:50 a.m., YOU are late!
Before the 7:50 am Bell. 1. Enter the room at a level 0 2. Unpack your backpack, zip it up, and place it on a back hook under cubbies 3. Sharpen 2 pencils 4. Homework should be taken out of binder and placed on corner of desk 5. Get a drink of water if needed 6. Go to the restroom if needed 7. Start your morning work
After 8:00 a.m. Talking is OFF! Level 0 Show any notes in your agenda Continue Working on morning work Read quietly when morning is complete
Daily Procedures
S.T.A.R BINDERS Bring binder to both classes Parent signature every night Record homework Track behavior
S.T.A.R BINDER School agenda Homework Notes home Pencil pouch Reading/Math resources Spelling List What goes in it??
Questions and Answers Raise your hand quietly I will only call on QUIET hands Think time When someone is called on, put your hand down and actively listen to what is said
Restroom Procedures Use in the morning before 7:50AM Walk quietly to the restroom Wash your hands with soap Leave the restroom clean Quickly and quietly return to your seat and continue working
Pencils Sharpen pencils in the morning ONLY before 7:50am If your pencil breaks: check with your group for another pencil Trade a pencil
Desk Sharing You will be sharing a desk with other students from Mrs. Collins’ classroom Don’t leave personal items in desk. Put special items in your pouch in your binder Keep desks clean! “Mi casa es su casa” ~ “My house is your house.”
Walking in Line Wait to line up until instructed to do so Number order Walk quietly( level 0) Arms at your side Stand directly behind the person in front of you – straight line! Stopping points
Lunch Line up in number order at a level 0 Quiet voices in lunchroom Respect the lunchroom staff Clean-up your table area when finished Level 0 for the last 5 minutes
What to do when you are done with class work??? Read a book Work on other assignments Put work on SeeSaw Ipads/Chromebooks MOST IMPORTANTLY: Don’t disturb others!!!!
Classroom Library Will go over these procedures in the classroom.
Homework Reading every night for 15 minutes Reading and Math homework every night Record your homework assignments in your agenda each day If homework is missing or incomplete, you may need to complete during recess
Absent … Now what? It’s YOUR responsibility to check with the teacher if you were absent You have ONE day for each day you were absent to make up the work All notes must be taken to the office
Visitors or Guests in the Classroom Sit quietly Continue working as you normally would Be polite and respectful IMPRESS THEM!!!
Dismissal Procedures
Summary Statement Written in agenda at the end of the day Summary statement should begin with one of the following statements: Today I learned … Today I loved … I want to know more about … This will help your teachers and parents understand things you liked, learned, and want to know more about in school.
Backpacks With permission, get your backpack at the end of the day Return to your seat Begin packing your backpack with binder and a book for reading Push your chair in once you are packed up
Clean your Area Clean your area EVERYDAY!!! Straighten the materials in your desk Clear your desk Clean the floor around your desk Put any materials you have away *** Ask yourself – Does the room look as good as it did this morning???
Good Choices = Fabulous Rewards
FABULOUS Rewards Knowledge gained Teachers’ trust Coke Friday Numbers earned on Hundreds Chart Homework Bingo
Classroom Family
Respect This is your family away from home We WILL respect each other Making fun of others will NOT be tolerated Apologizing for your actions
Teamwork Everyone has a part Respecting others opinion Work together Active listening Might not always agree, but can talk about it nicely Trust your team mates There’s no I in teamwork, only a W for we!
Kind Words Feeling good about yourself Ways to make others feel good – Compliments – Smile – Praise Using manners – Please, excuse me, thank you, and your welcome
Questions ???