Patty Hacker South Dakota State University Department of HPER PETE Program Coordinator
How do we enhance motor development knowledge of PETE students? ◦ How do we link theory to practice (apply what they have learned)? ◦ How will we know they have learned this content?
Will using the Boost Up activities clarify for PETE students the role movement plays in promoting academic success in the classroom? ◦ SMART/Boost Up- Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training
At the pre-school/kindergarten level early “diagnosis” of developmental movement delays can help offset later academic stress Readiness for learning is not just cognitive, but tied to psychomotor development as well
Research design quasi-experimental Human Subjects approval Test administration (tests)tests PETE student assessments
Observations of peers Self reflections “What I KNOW, what I WANT to know and what I LEARNED” (KWL) Reflective journal writing Story panels Reflections regarding performance of “their” kindergarten students
Content analysis of reflective writing, story panels, peer and self observations Focus groups Think aloud process Possible pre- and post knowledge of motor development principles
Presentations on campus to other faculty, particularly to ECE faculty Presentation at national and state association (if proposal is accepted for presentation) Submitted to peer reviewed journals in my discipline as well as related disciplines (as necessary)
Not ready- the actual research design, the story panels, specifics of the use of reflective writing Remaining question- how best to measure how PETE students are making sense of what they are learning- or not!