Galactic Center Diffuse Emission Katsuji Koyama, Kyoto University (1) FeXXV-Kα Line (6.7 keV) Diffuse or Point Sources ? Flux distribution Equivalent width (in comparison with point sources) (2) Kα line of neutral atoms X-ray or electron origin ? Ar, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni FeI-Kα (6.4 keV) 3-D Distribution Time Variability
FeXXV Kα Line (6.7 keV) Profile vs Stellar Mass Distribution (Muno et al ApJS,165,173) Kα Excess at GCDX compared to GRXE Point source origin of GCDX is difficult Longitude L atitude Nuclear Stellar Cluster Disk Galactic Ridge Bulge
F 6.7 : FeXXV-Kα Phenomenological model S(l,b)= S 1 *exp(-|l-l 0 |/e 1 )*exp(-|b-b 0 |/h 1 ) (GC plasma) + S 2 *exp(-|l-l 0 |/e 2 )*exp(-|b-b 0 |/h 2 ) (GR plasma) F 6.9 : FeXXVI-Lyα
S 1 /S 2 e 1 e 2 h 1 h 2 (degree) keV keV keV (He-like Kα ) keV (H-like Lyα ) S 1 /S 2 of the 2-5 keV band is smaller and that of the 6.95 keV line is larger than those are different from those of the others. Spectra of GC and Ridge are different 2-5 keV 5-8 keV
Fe Lyα/Kα of S, Ar, Ca at the Ridge are larger than those at the GC & vice versa for Fe GC & Ridge Emissions are approximated given by 1-keV +7-keV Plasmas. (1)Flux ratio of 7-keV Plasma /1-keV Plasma in GC is larger that that of Ridge. and/or (2)Temperature ratio of 7-keV plasma/1-keV Plasma at GC is higher than that in Ridge Lyα/Kα
GC GR m-CVs for reference Equivalent width (EW) map of Ka line for He- like (EW 6.7 ) and neutral (EW 6.4 ) iron.
:Z= ~ 2 solar ~4 solar Kα lines from neutral atoms The EWs ( absolute values and distribution pattern) are consistent with the X-ray fluorescent origin from clouds of ~2 solar abundances. Electron origin requires more than 4 solar for all elements ! GC Plasma The best-fit energies are consistent with Ka line of neutral Ar, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni (blue )
l-distribution of the 6.4 keV lines Sgr A Discoveries of New 6.4 keV Clouds Sgr B2 Sgr B1 M M M M M M M Arches G G
Time Variability of Sgr B in the 6.4 keV line & hard X-rays Koyama et al. 2008, Inui et al Terrier et al. 2010
We found simultanious variablity of the 6.4 keV line & Hard X-rays
Parabola x 2 +y 2 = (300-y) 2 (Unit is light-year) Face-on View of the 6.4 keV cloud (e.g. Ryu et al. 2009) GC plasma behind the cloud is heavily absorbed by the cloud, but front side is not absorbed. By spectral fitting, we can determine the flux ratio of “ no absorption” and “heavy absorption” The ratio give a Face-on position of the clouds
Conclusions of the analysis of spatially divided X-ray spectra; 1Major fraction of the GCDX is diffuse is not point sources 2Plasma temperature of the GCDX is higher than that of the GRDX 3We have determined 3-D distribution of the 6.4-keV line clumps. 4 The 6.4 keV line clumps are time variable, Past (100~300 years) activity of Sgr A*
Thank you for your attention
Iron line (6.7 kev) difference between GC/GR and bright CVs (> erg/s) EW6.7 GC & GR eV (mean of 12 Points: Yamauchi et al. 2009) m-CV 370 eV (mean of ~20 m-CVs: Ezuka et al. 1999)) Non-m CV250 eV (mean of 6 CVs: Rana et al. 2006) Thermal Plasma Fit GC & GR ~ solar m-CV ~0.4 (mean of ~20 CVs: Ezuka et al. 1999) ~0.4 (mean of 16 CVs: Yuasa et al. 2010) Non –m CVs ~0.3 (mean of 7 CVs Baskill et al. )
Image l-distribution b-distribution