Unit three: Leading & Managing Change Author details and credentials Successful Middle Leadership DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 1
2 Attitudes to change Wildly enthusiasticGenerally receptive Significantly reluctantFirmly entrenched
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 3 Steps of change Raise awareness Support learning Enable practical use of skill Raise the level of challenge Uncomfortable Excited/ pleased Confident Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence Blissfully ignorant
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 4 Unfreezing the status quo It is going to be painful. It will carry the message: ‘what you’ve been doing up to now isn’t good enough’. Until people accept and believe that the present method is not good enough, they will continue to resist.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 5 Discussion point How can you communicate the necessity for change while valuing the work done up to now? How can the change be seen as helpful, positive, working ‘smarter’? What small, practical steps or early wins can be introduced first?
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 6 The ‘what’ and the ‘how’ Be honest about what is non-negotiable. Explore the extent to which the ‘How’ can give you a sense of ownership. How might this fit with our vision? How can we make this ‘ours’? How can the process maximise engagement?
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 7 The power of the blank flipchart A bank sheet of flip chart paper, or blank interactive whiteboard gives the impression: you are in at the beginning there is scope for your ideas it is not a fait accompli.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 8 Fostering ownership of change Take account of genuine staff concerns. Accommodate them in your strategy. Ensure that the rationale is clearly debated. Make it clear that you have listened. Minimise the scope for not feeling consulted. Maximising opportunities for creative input. Use blank flip- charts, sticky notes and sticky dot voting Ownership = Creativity
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 9 Good meetings/bad meetings On sticky notes, jot down the characteristics of the good and the bad meetings you have experienced.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 10 Meeting issues to consider: groups to report back Good practice before and after the meeting – eg agenda and minutes. Good practice in location, ambience and time factors. Good practice in chairing meetings. Good practice in terms of participation in meetings. Strategies of coping with disruptive or negative behaviours. Principles of Management, University of Derby / egsolutions
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 11 Strong chairmanship vs facilitation When do you want a strong chair and when do you want a more open and flexible facilitator?
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 12 Mapping the place for decisive or facilitating meeting management Teamwork and ownership vital; ambiguity and uncertainty involved Degree of consultation needed; group input could help. Little ambiguity, quick decision needed, little ownership required Degree of teamwork low high Ambiguity of task
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 13 Workshop approaches Discuss the last time you had a workshop session. How was it structured? How was it led or facilitated? What was the outcome? How did you feel about your role in the workshop? What do you conclude about what makes workshops effective?
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 14 Facilitation framework Effective facilitators balance focus along three dimensions Outcomes/goals Dynamics/people Process/how
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 15 Facilitation ground rules Group facilitator: be sensitive to the group’s needs listen to constructive criticism and make necessary changes confront problems and difficulties be supportive encourage and empower all members continually evaluate the process.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 16 Group member ground rules be open and honest with the group listen to others and respect their experiences communicate needs judge the message, not the messenger ask questions when you have them challenge yourself and group members arrive on time and participate fully.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 17 Facilitated decision making Brainstorm – widen the possibilities. Group the ideas, eliminate duplicates. Narrow the options. Prioritise – eg sticky dot voting. Reach agreement/close. Check on ‘buy in’ to agreement.
DEVELOPING EXCELLENCE TOGETHER 18 Keep control of derailing tactics Car park. Bring in the non-combatants. SUMO. Surface the difficult behaviour. Allocate tokens. Use a timekeeper. Refer back to your ground rules