WELCOME TO JFK OPEN HOUSE Room 225/232 Mrs. Heidi Hodnett
My Background Earned B.A. Mathematics from William Paterson University in Taught at St. John Vianney High School in Holmdel, NJ for 5 years. 7th year at JFK Memorial High School.
Expectations for the Year Students are expected : To arrive to class on time To be prepared, i.e. all class materials and any previous assignments. To treat the teacher, other classmates, and themselves with respect. Talking = Teaching Listening = Learning
Expectations Continued Students will demonstrate leadership and teamwork through group assignments. Students will be comfortable explaining procedures to the class.
Ways to Succeed Stay Organized! Students should have a notebook divided into sections for Do Now’s, Notes, and Homework. Students will also need a folder or 3 ring binder to store worksheet packets.
Grading System Students will be graded by: (R and S track) 50 % Major Assessments (Test or Major Project) 25 % Minor Assessments (Content Quizzes, Hwk. Quiz) 25% Minor Assessments ( Homework, Class work) Grading (Honors Calculus) 60 % Major Assessment 40 % Minor Assessement Extra Credit given for board work with explanation.
Homework Policy Homework will be given daily to reinforce topics covered in class and review previous mathematical methods. Homework is graded on completion and correctness. All problems are reviewed the following day while the students explain their work to the class. Homework quizzes will be once a week on assignments not collected during the week.
Discipline Procedure Inappropriate behavior will be handled based on rules set by the teacher and students. Excessive misconduct will be handled by the administration. Parents will be contacted when necessary.
What Can You Do To Help? Be involved, check up on your children, ask if they have questions. Weekly overviews, upcoming quizzes/tests, and homework information is all on my school wires School Wires Woodbridge School District site – JFK HS –teacher school wires. – Heidi Hodnett Heidi Hodnett School Wires Heidi Hodnett School Wires Genesis – Grades are entered weekly.
Extra Help Mrs. Hodnett is available any morning at 7:10 in room 225/232 by appointment (See me for note the day before) Tutoring is offered every morning with Mr. Smith in room 227. National Honor Society offers “Peer Tutoring” after school in room 226 on Wednesdays and Thursdays, once the late busses start (end of Sept./October)
Contact Information Mrs. Heidi Hodnett (best way to reach me) Math Dept. – (732)
Thank you for your support in advance! If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to me and I will respond at my earliest convenience.