YOUTHBUILD USA BRIDGE MENTORING TRAINING [Your program’s name, city, and state]
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures THANKS! You are the KEY!
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures BRIDGE Group Mentoring YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Your logo2
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Learning Topics Overview of YouthBuild BRIDGE Mentoring Concept of the BRIDGE Benefits of Group Mentoring Delivering the BRIDGE Curriculum Various Roles of Mentors Problem Solving Model YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Your logo3
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Overview of BRIDGE Mentoring Funded by OJJDP $1.7 Million Project Part of “My Brother’s Keeper” Initiative Mission: To BRIDGE the opportunity gap for young men of color Mentoring is adjunct to other YouthBuild activities YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Your logo4
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures The BRIDGE… Provides means to overcome obstacles Builds important skills and knowledge Employs mentoring as key strategy
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures BRIDGE is an Acronym B = Belonging – Trusting others & being trustworthy R = Responsibility – Duty to self and others I = Initiative – Having a plan and the power to act D = Diligence – Determination in the face of setbacks G = Greatness – Seeing your own talents/giving back E = Encouragement – Gaining courage based on progress
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures The BRIDGE Curriculum Each of the B-R-I-D-G-E words has a coinciding lesson Several lessons focus on “Finding Mentors” Guest Speakers invited to address specialized subjects
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Group Mentoring Benefits Normalize Feelings Improve Problem-Solving Receive Support Raise Career Awareness Develop Relationship Skills Build Self-Esteem Learn to Achieve Goals Develop Teamwork
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Mentor Ratios / Group Sizes Typically, all mentors and mentees will first meet in large group Later divide into smaller discussion/activity groups of 6 to 8 mentees 2 Mentors are assigned to each small group Consistency: Keep same mentees & mentors in same groups
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Benefits of Having 2 Mentors Assess how each mentee is doing Prepare, present together Bounce ideas off each other Coverage for potential absences*
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures The Various Roles of Mentors 1.Group Facilitator for activities & sharing 2.Active Participant, taking part in lessons 3.Session Leader of overall sessions 4.Guest Speaker, sharing your expertise If You Would Like to be a Session Leader or Guest Speaker, Please Discuss this with the Mentoring Coordinator.
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Critical Elements for Successful Group Mentoring Mentor Attitude: Develop relationships of trust & respect Mentor Commitment: Don’t miss sessions Treat mentees equally Find the positive
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Tips for Curriculum Delivery Be prepared! Manage seating arrangement Get along with Co-Mentor Greet everyone Look for 1:1 time
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Handling Disruptions Immediately report discipline issues to staff Walk offending mentee(s) out Try a different mix of mentees Reduce number of mentees / add mentors Move physically closer to those acting out As mentees elevate emotions, become calmer Put on your “I mean business” face
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Standard Sharing Exercise Sharing takes place in small groups, facilitated by mentors Mentees share something good and not so good (“Good News/Bad News”) Mentors share too – Stay away from deeply personal issues
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Group Rules / Disruptive Behavior Start & end on time Respect each other One at a time Encourage, support Confidentiality Try to stay on task No disruptive behavior
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Don’t Solve the Mentees Problems Problem Solving Model for Empowerment: 1.Tell me more about what’s going on. 2.What have you done before (or thought about doing)? 3.What do you think you should do? If Healthy Solution, Affirm If Unhealthy, Weigh Consequences
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Group Mentoring Activities Matrix ActivityDescriptionMinutes Networking/ 1:1 Mentoring Show up ahead of time, connect 1:1 with mentees… 15 WarmerOfficial session start: Warmer: “Name Tent Introductions” – Mentor Coordinator leads… 20 Sharing ExerciseGood News/Bad News…25 Educational LessonLesson 7: Initiative. Mentor Coordinator will bring materials to make a vision board… 60 IncentivesPizza & drinks…10 Closure & AdjournMentor Coordinator thanks everyone, announces the next meeting time... 5
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Preparing for a Session 1.Receive completed Activity Matrix 1 week prior 2.Review BRIDGE Lesson, focusing on facilitation of small group activities 3.Contact Co-Mentor to discuss session along with observations about mentees 4.For any questions about activities, contact Mentoring Coordinator
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Sample Lesson In assigned groups: Review & discuss lesson Have recorder take notes Share the following with larger group: – Describe the lesson – Feedback about the lesson – Any potential challenges with the lesson – How you would customize and/or adapt it
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Training Evaluation Please provide feedback on today’s training so we can do even better!
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Great Futures Thank You for Your Service!