Lycée Denis Diderot 23, Bd Lavéran MARSEILLE cedex 13 Tél Fax
Toward a Europe of Education COMENIUS PROJECT A school partnership concerning at least 3 partnering schools A European financial grant for each school
4 Partnering schools Germany: Max-von-Laue-Gymnasium Südallee 1, Koblenz - Poland : V Liceum im. Augusta Witkowskiego ul. Studencka 12, Kraków - Italy: I.I.S.S. Liceo Scientifico 'Albert Einstein' via Togliatti, Molfetta - France: Lycée Denis Diderot 23 Bd Laveran – Marseille cedex
4 European meetings over two years POLAND : December 2010 ITALY :30 March – 2 April 2011 GERMANY : 19 – 22 October 2011 FRANCE : 18 – 21 April 2012 These dates may be modified according to the national schedules (holidays, exams...) of each partnering country
During the meetings 3 sessions of experiments (filmed) 3 international classes (5 French pupils, 5 Germans, 5 Italians, 5 Poles) Pedagogical visits or conferences Cultural tour of the city If possible, hosting in families, or else in Youth Hostels
Before each meeting Working on a specific topic → e-twinning platform European « traveling » exhibition about : → My country, my region, myself through our food → Food, cooking and habits → Survey on food and nutrition → Comenius results: what more do I know Linguistic preparation to the experiment sessions
After each meeting Evaluation of the meeting → by those who organised it → by the hosting families → by the teachers → by the pupils News Letter on the schools' websites (by the pupils) News Letter on the Education and Training website (by the teachers) Installation of the traveling exhibition in each country
The story of a commitment The partnering schools → financial and organisational back-up The hosting school → finding hosting families, organisational back-up → press and communication Pedagogical staff → communicating between meetings → experiment sessions → selection and organisation of visits and conferences → follow-up of pupils
The story of a commitment The hosting families → eager to make the foreign pupils discover The families of all four countries → support to the project over 2 years → instilling a will to meet and learn The pupils, ambassadors of their school, their city, their country → work and willingness → eagerness to communicate and meet
Toward a Europe of Education meeting something else Discovering experimental sciences Discovering 4 countries, 4 cities Meeting other pupils and making friends Dicovering something unknown Discovering something different Discovering Europe