HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Data Quality In Ireland What the ESRI checks & why
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Timely Accurate Data High quality data To ensure that data accurately reflects hospital activity Ensures coding guidelines are applied Management tool Meet key objectives Using Data Quality Initiatives
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 What we check & why ESRI: Data Quality & Audit Chart based HIPE Coding audits Scrutinising national data Audit software “HCAT” Training developments Involvement in audit process Track & record all audit activity
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 What the ESRI checks and why National Data – identify changes in activity Spikes in data Change in AR DRG activity Regular “notifiable” checks New coders – training & data quality assurance Checking lists for new coders afer 2-3 months
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 What the ESRI checks and why Regular checks – training & data quality assurance Regular checking lists of coded data- hospital level Special checks – national data quality OECD, query from HSE, PQ, query from HSE, audits
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 What the ESRI checks and why National Checks Spikes in data- Code level
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 National Checks Spikes in data-AR DRG level What the ESRI checks and why
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Regular “Notifiable Checks” Standard set of checks performed for all hospitals Checks can be refined based on feedback e.g. Only query where more then 20 cases occur Instructions provided on how to run these checks What the ESRI checks and why
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 CHECK#7 DESCRIPTION: Check cases with a code from T14 range - injury of unspecified body region. Check for specific site of injury. TO IDENTIFY CASES IN W-HIPE: 1.In selector add in year range 2.All Diagnoses [ICD10AM] equal to t14 3.Run a detailed patient report MRN: #1111Discharge:1x/1x/2006 MRN: #1111Discharge:2x/1x/2006 MRN: #1111Discharge:2x/1x/2006 Example: Notifiable Check Number 7
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 What the ESRI checks and why Volumes of Notifiable checks on 2005 data In June 2006 notifiable checks on 2005 data = 21,817 queries In November 2006 notifiable checks on 2005 data = 9,542 queries
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 New Coders Checking list of coded cases 2-3 months after Basic Course Ensures that coded cases have been exported Random selection of 200 cases Reviewed at detailed patient report level Returned to coder supervisor What the ESRI checks and why
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 New Coders – checking list Feb 05 to Dec 06 checking lists issued for 88 new trained coders Checking lists completed after coders have attended module 2 of Basic Course Excellent training and data quality tool What the ESRI checks and why
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Admission Discharge DOB 18/xx/ /xx/ /05/19xx G At D Resi LOS rs ardrg M xx 1 G60B Cons Diag Description xxx C189 Malg neoplasm of colon Cons Proc Description xxx [1890] Irrigation of vascular catheter Daycase – Admission for irrigation of catheter –Check PDX New Coders – checking list
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Admission Discharge DOB 23/01/ /01/ /10/1949 G At D Resi LOS rs ardrg M R63Z Cons Diag Description xxxx Z511 Pharmacotherapy session xxxx C859 NHL unspecified type Cons Proc Description xxxx [1920] IV admin of pharm Dx is a Neoplasm however procedure code for Intravenous administration of gamma globulin is recorded. Would an extension code of –00 be appropriate for the procedure in this case? New Coders – checking list
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 What the ESRI checks and why Regular General Data Quality Checks Random printout of cases for each hospital Includes all coders Case details reviewed For 2006 data, 57 hospitals have received a general data quality check
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Special checks – national data quality Many users of HIPE data Queries on data issued May be a coding guideline May be a query on volumes of a code Query may relate to coverage Specificity of codes Quality of coding What the ESRI checks and why
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Responding to Checks Keep records of cases queried Keep record of cases reset Check if unsure why cases are queried Ideas for checks that can be run Modification of existing checks Feedback on checks
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Data Quality Data Quality Tools Data Quality Initiatives Communication Audit Training & support
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Data Quality Accurate Coding
HRID, ESRI, Dublin,July 2008 Data Quality Exercise Identify tools available to support data quality Outline a data quality framework Outline key national data quality initiatives