Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Developing the culture of education in an organisation Peter W Johnston Consultant Pathologist, Associate Postgraduate Dean Aberdeen
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What is this workshop about? Discuss education in the workplace Identify pressures and tensions Sharing experience of attempts to improve learning environments Explore sources of information relevant to educational quality improvement Consider government/regional policy and influences on medical education Discuss how to develop systems towards educational goals
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Definitions The value placed on education is a cultural concept Educational climate relates to individuals’ own perception of the environment with regard to education 1 Educational culture relates to systems values and common expectations of behaviours within and organisation 1 1.James LR, Choi CC, Chia-Heui EK, McNeil PK, Minton MK, Wright MA, Kim K. Organizational and psychologic climate: a review of theory and research. Europ J Work and Organisational Psychol, 2008;17:5-32
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
How we do this 13.15Introduction 13.20The What: Pressures and tensions - discussion in groups 13.35Feedback 13.40The How: Potential solutions – discussion in groups 13.55Feedback 14.00Plenary discussion and conclusion 14.10Close