AGENDA for 2016 – 2017 Annual Appeal Training Welcome and Introduction This Year’s Theme Ways to Promote at your Parish Necessary Procedures Parish Targets Questions and Answers
Diocese of La Crosse Team Jeff Reiter, Stewardship & Development Director Sarah Komperud, Administrative Assistant Marie Gernes, Finance Jack Felsheim, Communications Very Rev. William Dhein, Moderator of the Curia, and Vicar General, Chancellor
Message from Bishop Callahan Video is to be shown in parish for “kickoff weekend”
Initial packet: Letter from Bishop Callahan with pledge card with brochures We are the Diocese Poster Parish Progress Poster Case Statement (will be listed on the Appeal website) Parish access Public access Annual Report o Listed in the September/October Catholic Life magazine – pages 8-9 Printed Appeal Materials
Ways to promote the Appeal at your Parish Video – show, share and link Posters – one per church Social Media, share from Diocesan Facebook ◦ Facebook, twitter, etc. Website banners ◦ Parish website ◦ Diocese of La Crosse website
Pulpit announcements Bulletin announcements Parish (trade show) Banner, purchase through Diocesan Publications ◦ ◦ Coupon Codes: diolcaabanner $10 off Banner diolcaastand $69 off Stand Ways to promote the Appeal at your Parish
How to Make the Appeal Successful Show and share the video Ask parishioners for support in the form of prayers and monetary gifts ◦ 100% participation is the goal of every parish Follow-up with phone calls to families that have not participated this year Enthusiasm by you and those you meet!
Stewardship “Kickoff” Sunday The purpose of Stewardship Sunday is to announce the Diocesan Annual Appeal and your parish efforts. Important Dates September st Kickoff Parishioners will receive appeal packet the week of 9/12 October nd Kickoff Parishioners will receive appeal packet the week of 10/10 OR
Week of Aug 21Annual Report in the September/October Catholic Life Magazine – pgs. 8-9 September st Kickoff Weekend – Announce the Appeal September Appeal mailing to all registered families – 1 st Kickoff October 8-92 nd Kickoff Weekend – Announce the Appeal October 10-14Appeal mailing to all registered families – 2 nd Kickoff October to MayMonthly Pledge Reminders November 7-11 LYBUNT mailing to 1 st Kickoff group Nov. 28 – Dec. 2 LYBUNT mailing to 2 nd Kickoff group January Tax Statements mailed March or April LYBUNT/SYBUNT + new members Appeal ends 6/30/17 (any payments received after this date will be applied toward next appeal) Important Dates
Initial mailing responses Processing pledge cards & payments that are received at your parish All payments must be received and processed by the bank by 6/30/17. ◦ Diocese of La Crosse P.O. Box Milwaukee, WI All payments received after 6/30/17 will be applied to the next Appeal year. Procedures
Maintaining your parish census ◦ Parishes are responsible for updating one database. ParishSoft will be used for address changes, family relationship status, deceased and registration status. Viewing parish roster ◦ Use to view mailing list Viewing progress reports ◦ Use to retrieve your reports Diocesan Deposit Reports have been discontinued ◦ No longer need to send to Appeal office Procedures
Each parish is assigned a target, as a fair share of the Diocesan Annual Appeal goal. The goal is $5,563,760 for the Appeal year. This year’s goal increased 1.7% or $95,700. The Case Statement provides the breakdown of the Annual Appeal. Targets Case Statement can be viewed at:
Step 1. A + B x $6,809,312 = Y 2 Step 2. Y - (D+C) = Parish Target Step 3. Parish targets are adjusted so that no parish has an increase or decrease of no more than 10% or $10,000 in their target. Targets
Example Parish: Step 1 A: 382,928/36,882, Adult Env Receipts/All Parish Total Adult Env Receipts B:482/36, En Holders >100/All Parish Total Env Holders > 100 Average of A + B Multiple above by total annual appeal 2016 Appeal Public Target5,563,760 School Credit690,000 (School credit allowed towards annual appeal Per Student Credit Total531,872 (total students x $88) Total Appeal6,809,312 Y= 80,329 Targets
Example Parish: Step 2 C: 488,341/26,632, x 690,000 = 12,652 Schools and Convent Receipts/ All Parish School and Convent Receipts D:114 x 8810,032 Total number of students enrolled x per student credit Parish Target = 80,329-12,652-10,03257,645 Step 3Adjust parish targets - no parish can have an increase of more than 10% or $10,000 or a decrease of more than $2,500 in a year. Targets
Variable A: Line 16 (401): The adult envelope receipts for a parish as a percentage of the entire adult envelope receipts for the Diocese for the fiscal year. Variable B: The number of envelope holders who contribute $ or more per year to a parish, as a percentage of the total number of envelope holders who gave $ or more for the Diocese for the fiscal year. Variable C: School Calculation 1: Line 102B (School and Convent), for a parish as a percentage of Line 102 for the total for the Diocese. This percentage is then multiplied by $690,000 = C. Variable D: School Calculation 2: The total number of students enrolled in Catholic schools multiplied by $88.00 = D. Target Formula
Questions? Please call the Stewardship & Development Office. Sarah Komperud or Jeff Reiter or
All materials will be posted to the Appeal website