Welcome to the Hudson Bend School Library! I’m your new librarian- Ms. Hooker!
When can you come to the library? O Come before school at 8:00 to O Hang out with friends O Catch up on schoolwork or homework O Read a book! We also have great activities like board games, coloring pages, Lego and Google Cardboard! Always sign in at the Circulation desk on a Chromebook!
When else can I come? O You can come during lunch- but please eat first! Just ask for a pass and come check out books, read or study! O Another time you can come is during GO time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. O Just ask your GO Time teacher for a pass. Library Lunch Pass Eat Lunch First
Library Classes O 6 th grade comes in every 3 weeks with your LA class for a lesson and book check-out. O 7 th grade will come in once a month with either your LA teacher for check out or your SS teacher for a lesson. O 8 th grade does not have scheduled library class, but there are lots of opportunities for you to come to the library and get great books to read!
Checking out Books! O You can check out books at a time for weeks. O You’ll need to know your student ID. O Be sure to write down the due date in your planner or phone so you don’t forget. You won’t be able to check out any more books if you have overdue books.
Turning in Books. O There are ways to return your library books: O The Book Depository in the hallway O outside the library. O O The Book Return slot in the circulation desk. O Just hand it to the librarian or student aide at the desk.
Our fiction books are arranged by Genre!
Lone Star Book Club! O The link to the review form is on the library website. O Your goal is to read 15 out of the 20 current Lone Star books. O Every 5 books gets your picture on the Wall of Fame! O Monthly Breakfast Book Club gatherings before school (The last Thursday of each month)-read 1 book a month to participate. O Read 15 books for a Breakfast Bash-free food and free book giveaway!
Now for those Pesky Rules: The Library is a “NO CELL PHONE” zone. No food or drinks in the library (except for Lone Star book club gatherings). Computers are for school use only! Please don’t share passwords and remember to log-off! Please keep voices to an appropriate level to respect those students studying and reading.
One last thing… Go to the next slide for some great Lone Star Book Trailers!
Lone Star Book Trailers O The Boys Who Challenged Hitler O Ink and Bone O The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B O When O