Anthem SAT/ACT/AIMS Vocabulary
Advocate Pronunciation: AD vuh kate Support of an idea or cause
Discern Pronunciation: deh SURN To differentiate between two or more things
Approbation Pronunciation: ap row BAY shun Official approval, praise, commendation
Portal Pronunciation: PORE tul A doorway (an especially large one)
Furrow Pronunciation: FUR ow To make wrinkles or grooves
Abyss Pronunciation: uh BISS Bottomless hole, a vast expanse or depth
Illustrious Pronunciation: eh LUS tree us Notably outstanding, famous
Infamous Pronunciation: IN fuh mus Having a reputation of the worst kind, vicious, notoriously bad.
Depravity Pronunciation: deh PRAV eh tee Moral corruption, a wicked or perverse act.
Revere Pronunciation: reh VERE To honor, to regard with respect
Raze Pronunciation: RAZE To completely destroy
Baseness Pronunciation: BASE ness The quality of lacking higher values
Atone Pronunciation: uh TONE To make amends
Sieve Pronunciation: SIV A utensil used for sifting or straining
Fluid Pronunciation: FlOO id Smooth and effortless
Lassitude Pronunciation: LAS eh tood Feeling of weariness; fatigue
Heedless Pronunciation: HEED les Disregarding, thoughtless
Virtuous Pronunciation: VIR choo us Having excellent morals
Perishable Pronunciation: PER eh shuh bul Likely to decay or spoil
Tarry Pronunciation: TARE ee To delay in coming or going; linger
Submissive Pronunciation: sub MIS iv Yielding or surrendering oneself to the will of another
Whim Pronunciation: HWIM A sudden or impulsive action
Ecstasy Pronunciation: EK stuh see Extreme happiness
Vindictive Pronunciation: vin DIK tiv Revengeful, spiteful
Defile Pronunciation: deh FILE To make dirty, to desecrate, to pollute