1 Loula Sigala Administrative Director NHRF Head of International Relations NHRF National Contact Point PEOPLE FP7 EURAXESS Services’ Centre The National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vas. Constantinou Ave Athens, Greece How to attract and retain excellent researchers? Oslo, 19 January 2011 The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C & C) – The Greek paradigm
2 The landscape in HR policy and strategy in the Greek Research system Structure and functions of the Research Centres Reshaping of post-graduate programmes in the Universities Mechanisms to provide and confirm excellence in human research potential (peer review system) National Funding programmes for HR Synergies between Universities, Research Centres, enterprises Life- long training and education Increase of mobility between sectors, disciplines, countries Enhancement of innovation (science parks, spin-off / start-up companies, patents, liaison offices, relay centres, innovation poles etc Highly skilled researchers (Greek Universities and public Research Centres) Attracting talents from abroad, enhancing geographical mobility of researchers Enhancing employment of highly skilled personnel in the business enterprise sector, enhancing inter- sectoral mobility of researchers, improving the skills of the business personnel Support of entrepreneurship of researchers Mobilization of social groups not fully integrated in the RTD system (women, immigrants, repatriates) Before 2005After 2005
3 The Recommendation and the implementation of the C & C at national level A good example of interministerial and related bodies’ cooperation The leading role of the Ministry in charge of R&D An active consultation process with the stakeholders triggered by the General Secretariat for Research and Development (GSRT) / Ministry of Development The cooperation with the Conference of Directors of the Research Centres under the umbrella of the GSRT The Recommendation on the C & C and the Mixed National Committee on Research and Education The cooperation with the Conference of Rectors of Greek Universities The channels of communication with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs/ EU Directorate The role of the Greek network of EURAXESS Services’ Centres in the promotion and the implementation of the C & C (conduction of a survey etc)
4 The endorsement of the C&C by the Greek Research Organizations EUROSCIENCE – Hellas (January 2006) National Hellenic Research Foundation (July 2008) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (September 2008) Marie Curie Fellows Association – Hellas (October 2008) University of Crete (January 2010) University of Ioannina (May 2010) University of Thessaly (October 2010) The Greek Rectors’ Conference (in the process of endorsement) The implementation of the C & C at national level With the help and support of the GREEK EURAXESS
5 The implementation of the C and C at institutional level The 5 steps - The internal analysis (comparison of institutional practices against the C and C principles) - The publication of planned actions through a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - The acknowledgement of the HRS4R by the EC - The implementation of the HRS4R through a self-assessment (every second year) - The external evaluation (every 4 years) The NHRF the first RC to endorse the C & C principles A good example of good practices in recruiting (open and transparent methods) evaluating, preserving rights, educating, offering transferable skills opportunities, non discriminating policies and practices (women, immigrants, repatriates etc) The provision of the C&C in the NHRF’s internal quality assurance system: the compliance with the principles of the Charter and Code in the Chapter “Management of Human Resources” in the ISO manual The incorporation of the C & C at the NHRF’s regulatory framework
6 The aim for the future: The need for the creation of a new culture The adoption of a common Human Resources and Mobility Strategy by the Signatory Research Centres The endorsement of the Charter and Code by all Greek Research Organizations The importance of the stimulation of transferable skills programmes in the light of the recession and possible increase of unemployment Greece has become less attractive for the incoming researchers (whereas the outgoing mobility has been facilitated) Current barriers : Greek recession…
7 Thank you for your attention! Argyroula Sigala Administrative Director NHRF Head of International Relations NHRF National Contact Point PEOPLE FP7 EURAXESS Services’ Centre The National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vas. Constantinou Ave Athens, Greece