Korea Women in INnovation (K-WIN) WIN under the Ministry of Gender Equality Mar. 2010
2 Objective Foster Women Leaders working in the business organizations by –Increasing the awareness of woman leadership as a valuable human capital –Developing business women’s network –Enhancing leadership competence for their internal and external challenges for continuing growth –Running Mentoring and Coaching Network to help them to achieve their short term and long term goals
3 Vision Leading Women Leaders in Korea Mission –To help next generation of women leaders in the society by sharing experiences and learnings –To be a role model in women's leadership –To be an opinion leader for business women in the society –To be a formal external women communication channel to enhance women’s rights in the society
4 Background and Achievement –Korea Women in Innovation(K-WIN) was founded in Nov 2007 with an initiative by IBM Korea ‘s women council and facilitating by Ewha Institute of Leadership Development under Ewha Women University in Korea (40 women leaders from 30 companies) –Local government (Ministry of Gender Equality) approved K- WIN as an NPO and its official registration completed on March 20, ByungOk Sohn, Chief Operating Officer of Prudential, is the head of this organization –Local government designated and registered WIN as being a sponsor-financed organization on Dec. 31, 2009
5 Background and Achievements –Members –Corporate membership only –150 members from 100 companies committed to join as of Dec. 31, 2009 – Prudential Life Insurance, KB Bank, IBM Korea, P&G Korea, LG Electronics, Abbott Korea, Google Korea, HP, Samsung Life, MicroSoft Korea, LINA Life Insurance, Kim&Chang Law firm, Sabic Innovative Plastics, Loreal Korea, SpirexSarco Korea, Phamax Ogilvy Heath World, Asiana Airline, Hynix Semiconductor, Daum Communications, Amore, Woonjing, etc. –Formed 4 sub committees in March Organization 2. Next Generation 3. Research 4. Membership –Board members: 1 chairman, 1 executive director, 3 auditors and 11 board members, 1 clerk
6 Background and Achievements –1 st WIN Forum : Nov 11, 2007 – Korea Herald CEO speech, 1 company introduced their program and practice (Total 40 women leaders participation) –2 nd WIN Forum: May 2008 – DuPont CEO speech, discussion on WIN’s vision, mission, future plan (Total 30 leaders participation) –3 rd WIN Forum: Nov – IBM Korea CEO speech, discussion on WIN’s plan to make NGO under local government (Total 33 leaders participation) –4 th WIN Forum: Feb – 1 economic professor speech, mutual agreement for formalizing WIN organization and completing the final package for NGO registration (Total 32 women leaders participation) –5 th WIN Forum: Aug – 1 CJO’ Shopping CEO speech & 1 professor speech, sharing the articles of corporation for any revision (Total 54 women leaders participation)
7 Background and Achievements –1 st Next Generation Conference: May 2009 – BMW CEO Speech, Panel Discussion with KyungRan Moon(National Human Rights Commission of Korea), Mo Jin (Bauch&Lomb), and HwaJoon Cho(KTF), Mentoring session (Total 50 leaders and 186 future leaders participation) –2 nd Next Generation Conference: Nov – SERI GM Speech(SERI: Samsung Economic Reasearch Institute), Mentoring session (Total 58 leaders and 244 future leaders participation) –6 th WIN Forum: Feb. 2010: Feb – Dr. Linda Myers Speech (SK Holdings), 4 sub committee introduction and 2010 plan (Total 60 leaders participation) –Many activities planned in 2010 such as WIN Forum, Next Generation Conference, Mentoring Seminar for High School Students, WIN Award, Fundraising, etc –Driving on building relationships with global women organization(‘Catalyst’, ‘J-Win’, ‘Global Women summit’, etc) to share knowledge and experiences about the advancement of women in the form of ‘sister organization’.
8 Website :