Driver’s Ed. Chapter 1 Worksheet
1.Name 3 items that a motorist must always carry when driving a vehicle. Driver/provisional license, registration, proof of insuranceDriver/provisional license, registration, proof of insurance 2. A legal name change must be reported to the NJMVC within this amount of time. Within two weeksWithin two weeks 3.A legal change of residence within the state of NJ must be reported to the NJ MVC within this amount of time. Within one weekWithin one week 4. You must be at least 18 years old and have followed the Graduated Driver License program to receive your basic, unrestricted driver license.
5.If you are an out-of-state driver and move to NJ, you must apply for a NJ driver license within 60 days, the out-of-state license expires, or whichever comes 1st 6.How many types of licenses are available in New Jersey? 6 7.List all types of licenses available in NJ. Basic, commercial, motorcycle, moped, agriculture, boatingBasic, commercial, motorcycle, moped, agriculture, boating 8.How long is a NJ driver license good before you must get another? 4 years
9.What is the MVC 6 Point Identification Verification policy and why is it used? Prevents applicants with fraudulent documents from obtaining official documentsPrevents applicants with fraudulent documents from obtaining official documents 10.Explain restrictions on a driver license and how they appear on the license. Wearing glasses or contacts; will appear on license in coded formWearing glasses or contacts; will appear on license in coded form 11.List the 4 different test you must pass in order to receive your basic unrestricted driver license. Knowledge, road, vision, behind the wheel courseKnowledge, road, vision, behind the wheel course
12. At what age can you receive your permit? What is the fee for a permit? $ What is the fee for a photo license? $ What does GDL stand for and what is it’s purpose in NJ? Graduated Driver License – introduces driving privileges gradually to first time drivers & applicants under 21. Available to applicants 17 & older, who have passed MVC’s knowledge and vision testsGraduated Driver License – introduces driving privileges gradually to first time drivers & applicants under 21. Available to applicants 17 & older, who have passed MVC’s knowledge and vision tests 16. List all restrictions when you have a student permit. No driving between 11:01 pm and 5:00 amNo driving between 11:01 pm and 5:00 am No cell phone or any other wireless deviceNo cell phone or any other wireless device Must be accompanied by supervising adult who is at least 21 years old and licensed to drive for at least 3 yearsMust be accompanied by supervising adult who is at least 21 years old and licensed to drive for at least 3 years Passengers must be dependents plus 1, unless with a parent/guardianPassengers must be dependents plus 1, unless with a parent/guardian Must wear seat belts & display 2 decalsMust wear seat belts & display 2 decals
17.How old to receive an examination permit List all the restrictions for a person who has a probationary driver license. No driving between 11:01 am & 5 amNo driving between 11:01 am & 5 am Dependents+1 passenger, unless with parent/guardianDependents+1 passenger, unless with parent/guardian No cell phones or other wireless devicesNo cell phones or other wireless devices **If driver is 21, there are no passenger or hour restrictions****If driver is 21, there are no passenger or hour restrictions** Required to wear seat beltsRequired to wear seat belts Display 2 decalsDisplay 2 decals 19.List the adult GDL driver restrictions. Must wear safety beltsMust wear safety belts No wireless devicesNo wireless devices 20.If you want to change your name, list 3 items that can be used as proof of the required change. Marriage certificate, divorce decree, court adoption papers, certified court papers
21. If you want to correct your date of birth, list 4 items that can be used as proof of the required change. Birth certificate, US passport, US citizenship papers, military ID 22. If your license gets lost or stolen, you should report it to THE LOCAL POLICE 23. The fee for a lost or stolen license is $ The fee for a lost or stolen permit is $6 25. **If you break any of the GDL laws, you can be fined $100**
26. If you possess or display an altered or counterfeited license, these 3 things can happen: License suspension Fines Jail time!!! **Page 7: All examination permit/ probationary drivers shall not operate a motor vehicle without displaying two visible, reflective decals, provided by MVC, on the license plates of the vehicle.**