Party Competition Is the battle between Democrats and Republicans for the control of public offices – Without this competition there would be no choice, and without choice there would be no democracy – Americans have a had a choice since the early 1800s
The Meaning of Party Tasks of the Parties – Linkage Institution: The channels through which people’s concerns become political issues on the government’s policy agenda. – Parties Pick Candidates – Parties Run Campaigns – Parties Give Cues to Voters – Parties Articulate Policies – Parties Coordinate Policymaking
What is the Meaning of Party? Parties try to win elections Anthony Downs defined a political party as – “ a team of men and women seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted elections” – What's the word in that definition that could be interpreted differently?
“TEAM” – Together Everyone Accomplishes More But “Party teams” may not be so well disciplined and single minded as teams, like the Houston Texans Party teams are difficult to lead, because leaders often disagree about policy
Who are the members of these teams? (1) Party in the electorate – Largest component of an American Political Party – May register to any party – Registration is not legally binding and is easy changed If you call your self a “Democrat” you are one
(2)Party as an organization – Parties have national offices, full time staffs, rules, bylaws and budgets – Each party maintains state and local headquarters – Party organization includes precient leadesr, county chairpersons, state chairpersons. These are the people who keep the party running between elections and make its rules Ultimate goal for party organization from national to a state level is to pursue electoral victory
(3) Party in Government- – Consists of elected officials who call themselves members of the party – Presidents, members of Congress, Governors, may share a party label, they do not always agree on policy – In the United States it is not uncommon to put personal principle – or ambition- above loyalty to the party leaders – These leaders are the main spokespersons for the party, however, their words and actions personify the party to millions of Americans
The Party Organizations: From the Grass Roots to Washington These are the people that work for the party. Local Parties – Party Machines: A type of political party organization that relies heavily on material inducements to win votes and to govern. – Patronage: A job, promotion or contract given for political reasons rather than merit. Used by party machines. – Now urban party organizations are generally weak. – County organizations have partially filled the void.
The Party Organizations: From the Grass Roots to Washington The 50 State Party Systems – Closed primaries: voters must be registered with their party in advance and can only vote for that party (Closed primaries favor the two-party system) – Open primaries: voters decide on election day which party to participate in, and then only that party (Open primaries weaken the two party system but not to the extent of blanket primaries) – Blanket primaries: voters get a list of all candidates and can vote for one name for each office, regardless of party label (Blanket primaries weaken the two-party system) – State party organizations are on an upswing in terms of headquarters and budgets.
The Party Organizations: From the Grass Roots to Washington The National Party Organizations – National Convention: The meeting of party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and the party’s platform. – National Committee: One of the institutions that keeps the party operating between conventions. – National Chairperson: Responsible for day-to-day activities of the party.
The Party in Government: Promises and Policy These are the party members actually elected to government. Candidates are less dependent on parties to get elected, but they still need help. Coalition: – A group of individuals with a common interest upon which every political party depends. Parties & politicians generally do what they say they will do.