I Currency What You Mean Imperial March Oh Canada… Maintain Eye Contact Famous Figures
Cur From the 16 th – 19 th centuries, an economic dependent upon the exploitation of colonies for their resources.
Cur A network of roads and trails that connected towns and cities from Europe to China.
Cur When a society shifts from an economy dependent on agriculture to one based on manufacturing.
Cur Cooperation and equality are the main motivators in this economic system.
Cur Supply and demand are the foundation of this economic system championed by Adam Smith.
Imperial An association between peoples that intentionally benefits one people over another
Imperial A belief in the superiority of European culture.
Imperial The view that imperialism was a service provided to non-European peoples.
Imperial The phrase used to describe the frenzied partition of Africa by European powers from 1885 – Also Mr. Rosychuk’s favourite breakfast!
Imperial A territory that “belonged” to a European country, was ruled by a European government or its representatives, and was subject to that European country.
Canada – 100 This agreement outlined the early relationship between Dutch traders and the Iroquois nation.
Canada – 200 Legislation introduced into 1867 that defines who is an “Indian”
Canada – 300 In Quebec, a group of Mohawks physically stopped the expansion of a golf course onto sacred land the Mohawks claimed as their own.
Canada – 400 Legislation that encouraged Indians to leave their status and become “fully Canadian” in order to vote.
Canada – 500 Characterized by treating or governing a people in a fatherly way…
Contact Exchange of culture, goods, language, etc. that happened in the past to which the effects are still felt today.
Contact The reduction of a population because of conflict, disease, loss of resources, or assimilation.
Contact Gradual change as a result of contact with other cultural groups.
Contact Ceremony practiced in the Pacific Northwest where the Chief would invite people to a gathering for speeches, singing, dancing, feasting, and witnessing of formal business.
Contact First Nation group that disappeared in 1829 due to increasing British competition for land and resources.
Figure Pacifist leader who believed the imposition of British culture on Indian citizens was unjust.
Figure The first Prime Minister of Canada and advocate of assimilation.
Figure The last of the Beothuk.
Figure Director of Avatar.
Figure Nice beard. This German philosopher believed that wealth and property should be shared by the masses.
Currency Mercantilism
Currency Silk Road
Currency Industrialization
Currency Communism
Currency Capitalism
Imperial March Imperialism
Imperial March Eurocentrism
Imperial March White Man’s Burden
Imperial March Scramble for Africa
Imperial March Colony
Canada – 100 Two Row Wampum Treaty
Canada – 200 Indian Act
Canada – 300 Oka Crisis
Canada – 400 Gradual Civilization and Enfranchisement Act
Canada – 500 Paternalistic
Contact Historical Globalization
Contact Depopulation
Contact Acculturation
Contact Potlach
Beothuk Contact -500
Figure Ghandi
Figure Sir John A. Macdonald
Figure Shawnadithit
Figure James Cameron
Figure Karl Marx