JLG E450AJ boomlift - Electric, 45ft (13.7 m) platform vertical height, AJ= basket jib capabilities. - horizontal span = 7m ton weight, for handling procedures and slabs calculations. - It fit trough the 4m Blanco hatches, with slight adjustments in the boom due to the Coating Chamber on the path. KPNO situation would be different. Used on: - Platforms installation and removal at NW station. - PFC access at zenith. - Access to the platforms from the Main Floor, not only from Console level (i.e when cass-cage was stowed there). - DECam white spot installation and Dome 50T Crane inspection from lower side: At CTIO the crane platform level is 15m above from Console floor, being this the height of the platform (13.7m) plus the height of a person (1.7m) -LN2 pipes installation (at different angles) and DECal lamps installation.
E450AJ boomlift