May ,302 academies, over 1,000 in pipeline – tipping point? Budget 2016 announces all schools to become academies by 2020 White Paper: Education Excellence Everywhere March 2016 confirms direction of travel Believe any apparent U turn is a Z turn, only affecting the timing, good schools will not be forced but aspiration that all schools will convert is unchanged
BWMAT set up in 2012 to take in 4 sponsored schools, currently 13 schools expected to be 18 in Sept 2016 Also 22 other academies from stand alone, to church led and mixed MATs, another 13 approved Large number of other schools and groups of schools in various stages of discussion with the Diocese Right now there is a one off opportunity to be involved in shaping the educational landscape with a clear Bishop’s steer
A company incorporated with the ability to run more than one academy Subject to company, trust and charity law Constitution and rules defined in their Articles of Association Relationship between the MAT and the Secretary of State set out in another legal document the Funding Agreement Members establish the MAT, Directors/Trustees run the MAT, CEO is the single accountable person Local Governing Boards (LGB) provide local governance for each school
The Articles of Association approved by DBE The Church Supplemental (Land) Agreement approved by DBE and trustees of the school site and relates to the part of the site owned by the site trustees Commercial Transfer Agreement between LA and the Trust Master Funding Agreement & Supplemental FA for each school between the Secretary of State and the Trust – 7 years 125 Year Lease between the LA and the MAT for the any land they own, usually playing field
MAT Members MAT Board of Directors/Trustees Local Governing Board 1 Local Governing Board 2 Local Governing Board 3 Local Governing Board 4
These are the founding members of the MAT Appointments should be skilled based Sign the legal documents and approve any changes thereafter Appoint the directors Approve the accounts and appoint the auditors May only meet once a year DBE Trust will be a corporate member on every trust, there maybe further foundation members depending on the mix of schools 4 or 5, the Diocese prefers 4 if 25% foundation No term time limit
Appointments should be skilled based Pen portraits will be scrutinised by the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) The Board is the statutory governing body for each school although an approved Scheme of Delegation will delegate some decisions down to the individual local governing board (LGB) Other delegation will be made via the formation of sub committees Board retains accountability, responsibility and liability An agreed number will be foundation directors in addition to their other skills required Usually 8-12 Term of office 4 years
Authority via the Scheme of Delegation This is different from their previous role, the accountable body is the board of directors/trustees Working at their individual school level Foundation governors will be in the same ratio as previous FGB There is no ex officio position, the clergy could be a foundation governor The Instrument of Government is replaced by the Articles Term of office 4 years
Church school designation statutorily remains as does the Trust Deed that underpins each church school Foundation representation at all levels – member, director/trustee, governor, appointing the highest calibre is an on going challenge The maintenance and growth of church school distinctiveness Former VCs have nationally agreed models, VAs taken on a case by case basis MAT chaplaincy offer
This is a governor decision, need a FGB minute If joining an existing MAT, their directors/trustees need to agree too Written Diocesan consent is required before you can submit application to DfE, we have an application to fill in and our own decision making process children/school-organisation/academies/ children/school-organisation/academies/ If you have local trustees they need to give their approval Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) via a Headteacher Board needs to approve the proposal to ensure there is capacity
Education Department will come out and talk to groups of schools about the process Regular training on What is a MAT? And What is the BWMAT? (18 th Oct and 23 rd Jan 2017) We can facilitate discussion with other schools who have already gone through the process The DfE website on academies and the Lead Officer The RSC, Bex Clark, for the SW and her team in Bristol Our Memorandum of Understanding between the DfE and church schools loads/attachment_data/file/517423/Memorandum_of _understanding_between_the_National_Society_and_D fE.pdf loads/attachment_data/file/517423/Memorandum_of _understanding_between_the_National_Society_and_D fE.pdf